Learn more about our upcoming and past colloquia, book talks, symposia, and more.

Past Events
For further detail on our past events, click on the boxes below.

CDCS Colloquium: Lucy March
"What Is Internet Music? Negotiating Identity and Community Through Digital Music Subcultures"

CDCS Colloquium: Kara Alaimo Book Talk
"Over the Influence: Why Social Media is Toxic for Women and Girls – And How We Can Take It Back"

CDCS Colloquium: Asian Australians' digital identity performance on TikTok

CDCS Colloquium: Jingyi Gu
"Gendered Labor and Scalable Intimacy in Live Streaming"

CDCS Colloquium: Mohammed Rashid
"Queering Deshi Blogging Networks: Legal Rights, Religion, and the Politics of Blog Publics in Bangladeshi LGBTQ+ Activism"

CDCS Colloquium: Tina Askanius, Malmö University
“‘Cradle of White Purity,’ ‘Multicultural Hellhole’ and ‘Paradise-Lost’: The Invocation of Sweden in Far-Right Discourse in the U.S.”

CDCS Colloquium: Abigail De Kosnik, UC Berkeley
“Imagining Futurity through Fandom and Piracy”

CDCS Book Talk: Emily Hund, University of Pennsylvania
The Influencer Industry: The Quest for Authenticity on Social Media

CDCS Colloquium: Frances Corry, University of Pennsylvania
“When does a pandemic end? Bounding COVID-19 through rapid response collecting”

CDCS Colloquium: Chelsea Butkowski, University of Pennsylvania
“Identity (in) Crisis: Digital Self-Making During the COVID-19 Pandemic”

CDCS Mini-Symposium on Pandemic Archiving, Remembering, and Storytelling
Promoting public understanding of the role of digital archiving in the collective remembering and narration of the COVID-19 pandemic

CDCS Colloquium: Kareem Kubchandani, Tufts University
“Divas, Drag Queens, Aunties, and Other Academic Personas”

CDCS Book Talk: Asta Zelenkauskaiė, Drexel University
“Creating Chaos Online: Five Frames to Uncover the Invisible”

CDCS Colloquium: Lina Dencik, Cardiff University
“Beyond fairness: Datafication and Social Justice”

CDCS Colloquium: Alexander Cho, University of California, Santa Barbara
Social Media and the Shape of “Man”

CDCS Colloquium: Daniel Greene, University of Maryland
“The Promise of Access: Technology, Inequality, and the Political Economy of Hope”

CDCS Symposium: Cybernationalism and the World
“Populism, Identity, and Symbolic Politics in the Digital Age"

CDCS Colloquium: Craig Newmark in Conversation with Jessa Lingel
“The Web We Want: Reflections on 25 Years of Digital Culture”

CDCS Colloquium: Alexandrea Ravenelle, University of North Carolina
“(Side) Hustle and Gig: Struggling and Surviving in the Sharing Economy, COVID Edition”

Center on Digital Culture and Society Launch Symposium
“Social Justice and the Remaking of Technological Cultures”