Location and Facilities
Located in the heart of the University of Pennsylvania's campus in vibrant Philadelphia, the Annenberg School offers a rich array of resources at the School, University, and city levels.
Our Location
University of Pennsylvania
Established in 1740, the University of Pennsylvania has a long and proud tradition of intellectual rigor and pursuit of innovative knowledge.

The 302-acre campus is home to some of the most exciting intellectual talent in the world, and the Annenberg School is situated at the heart of it all. Annenberg is the smallest of Penn’s 12 schools, all located within walking distance of one another. This geographical unity, unique among Ivy League schools, supports and fosters Penn's interdisciplinary approach.
Penn is one of the nation's top research universities, with more than 165 research centers and institutes and more than $870 million in annual research and development awards.
In the City of Philadelphia
Penn is located in the University City section of Philadelphia, an exciting mix of higher education, restaurants, shopping, and urban living. Named the first World Heritage City in 2015, Philadelphia is full of rich culture, history, and food. Located in the heart of the East Coast, it’s the most affordable city in the Northeast and one of the most walkable cities in the nation.
Our Facilities

The Annenberg School for Communication's primary location at 3620 Walnut Street houses the school's administrative offices; faculty and student offices; the Annenberg School Library; the Paul Messaris Media Laboratory; and classrooms used to teach Communication and other Penn courses. It is also the primary site for many of the school's research centers.

The Annenberg Public Policy Center at 202 S. 36th Street houses FactCheck.org; Annenberg Health and Risk Communication Institute; Lenore Annenberg Institute for Civics; Annenberg Classroom; Adolescent Mental Health Initiative; the American Academy of Political and Social Science; and numerous other research projects.
Two floors of 3901 Walnut Street house three of the Annenberg School's research centers: the Center for Advanced Research in Global Communication, the Media, Inequality & Change Center, and the Center for Health Behavior and Communication Research.
The Richards Medical Research Laboratories building has offices and research space for the Communication Neuroscience Lab.