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Annenberg Postdoctoral Fellows Share Research Across Disciplines

The School’s recent postdoctoral fellows colloquium highlighted research through dynamic discussions.


Addressing the ‘Catch-22’ Academics Face on Social Media

The Center for Media at Risk and the Center on Digital Culture and Society brought together scholars to analyze the interconnected benefits and risks that academics face using social media.

Call for Submissions

Center on Digital Culture and Society Call for Applications - Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2025-2026

The Center on Digital Culture and Society is now accepting applications for a 2025-2026 postdoctoral fellowship.


How Fanfiction Communities in China Cope With Censorship

In a new paper, doctoral student Ran Wang explores what happened to Chinese fanfiction communities after a wave of increased government censorship in early 2020.


Exploring Feminist Unity in Today’s Connected World: The Transnational Feminist Networks Symposium

A recent symposium at Annenberg examined the growth, upkeep, and difficulties of feminist solidarities in our connected world.


Annenberg Welcomes Visiting Scholars and Postdoctoral Fellows for 2024-25

A new academic year brings new faces to Annenberg and many of its centers.


Annenberg Furthers Research Through Educational Collaborations

Annenberg’s growing number of collaborations within Penn and with other institutions around the world is pushing the boundaries for research and education.

Call for Submissions

Call for Artists: Present Futures - Experiments in Feminist Futurity

A contemporary art exhibition envisioning feminist solidarities across space and time, in everyday life, with an outlook towards “the future we want to see, right now, in the present”

Call for Submissions

Llamado de Artistas: Present Futures - Experiments in Feminist Futurity

Una exposición de arte contemporáneo que visualiza las solidaridades feministas a través del espacio y el tiempo, en la vida cotidiana, con una mirada hacia el futuro que queremos ver, ahora mismo, en el presente


New Postdoctoral Fellow to Join CDCS

Lucy March will join the Center on Digital Culture and Society in Fall 2024.