Thirty Years of the Internet in China: A Retrospective (Part II)
March 2-3, 2024
Various Times
- Virtual Event
Jointly organized by Center on Digital Culture and Society and Center for the Study of Contemporary China, University of Pennsylvania.
March 2, 8:00-10:15pm ET
- Matt Debutts and Jennifer Pan (Stanford University), “China’s Internet Controls: What If Citizens Disengage?”
- Jack Qiu (Nanyang Technological University), “The Constants of Chinese Internet Research”
- Yunya Song (Hong Kong Baptist University), “Gender and the Internet in China: A Historical Perspective”
- Wei Wang (Zhejiang University), “The Reinvention of ‘Locality,’: Imagining Local Society with Local Media”
- Jian Xu (Deakin University), “From ‘Wanghong’ to ‘Wanghong Thinking’: New Research Agenda and Critical Reflections”
- Haiqing Yu (RMIT University), “Chinese Internet as the Nexus of Socio-technological Power”
- Weiyu Zhang (National University of Singapore), “30 Years of China’s Online Fandom”
March 3, 8:00-10:00am ET
- Jun Liu (Copenhagen University), “Reflections on Studying the Internet and (Contentious) Politics in China”
- Gianluigi Negro (Siena University), “Studying the Internet in China through Metaphors”
- Gabriele de Seta (University of Bergen), “From ASCII Greetings to Synthetic Livestreams: Three Decades of Chinese Digital Folklore”
- Florian Schneider (Leiden University), “Nationalisms on China’s Evolving Internet”
- Ge Dino Zhang (City University of Hong Kong), “A Decade of Chinese Game Studies in Retrospect”
- Lin Zhang (University of New Hampshire), “Platformized Family Production: Social Reproduction and E-Commerce in Rural China”
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