Annenberg Presentations at ICA 2016
More than 50 faculty and students will present research at the ICA's 66th annual conference in Fukuoka, Japan.

Photo Credit: @riverse / Unsplash
More than 50 Annenberg faculty, students, postdoctoral fellows, and research staff will present research next month at the International Communication Association's 66th Annual Conference, held June 9-13 in Fukuoka, Japan. In addition, ICA President and Annenberg Professor Amy Jordan will deliver her presidential address on Saturday Evening.
Below are the presentations and posters being given by the Annenberg community, organized by day and time. The panel name and its location at the Hilton Fukuoka Sea Hawk are also listed. The full conference program can be viewed here and the conference app downloaded here.
Thursday, June 9
8:30 - 17:00
Preconference: Crossing Borders: Researching Transnational Media History (Kei)
- Susan Haas: The Transnational Past as Global Present: Challenges to Journalistic Practice at Radio Free Europe During the Cold War
- Elihu Katz: How Holidays Travel: The Case of Purim
- Elihu Katz: An Empire That Innis Missed: Time and Space Biases in the Persian Empire According to the Biblical Book of Esther
- Barbie Zelizer: Researching Transnational Media History: Theoretical and Methodological Challenges
Preconference: Crossing Borders: Researching Transnational Media History - Breakout (Yoh)
- Samantha Oliver: Transforming Symbolisms: Reinterpreting the Goddess of Democracy as the Victims of Communism Memorial
- Co-Chair: Nour Halabi
Friday, June 10
8:00 - 9:15
I Know You Because I Saw You on TV, but Where Am I? Youth, Stereotypes, and Prejudice (Sage)
- Morgan Ellithorpe, Amy Bleakley: Wanting to See People Like Me? Racial and Gender Diversity in Popular Adolescent Television
9:30 - 10:45
Fighting the Continuum of Violence From Flaming and Street Harassment to Domestic Violence and Rape (Nire)
- Rosemary Clark: The Logic of Connective Feminism: Toward an Intersectional Approach to Anti-Street-Harassment Activism
Social Protests and Technology (Kashi)
- Sandra Gonzalez-Bailon: The Critical Periphery in the Growth of Social Protests
11:00 - 12:15
CAT Hybrid Session 5: Global Perspectives on Technology (Argos E)
- Jin Woo Kim: Did the Internet Have Mobilizing Effects During the 2011 Egyptian Revolution?
12:30 - 13:45
ICA Plenary Interactive Paper/Poster Session I (Grand Foyer)
- Kecheng Fang: Weibo, WeChat, and the Chinese Culture of Connectivity
14:00 - 15:15
Sexual Health Communication: Consent, Pledges, Safe Sex, Contraceptives (Nire)
- Jazmyne Sutton: Intentional or Incidental? Information Seeking, Scanning, and Contraception Use Among Young Women
IAMCR: Memory, Commemoration, and Communication: Looking Back, Looking Forward (Sakura)
- Victor Pickard: Remembering How Our Media Came to Be: A Japanese and American Comparison
15:30 - 16:45
Best Papers in Information Systems Division (Argos D)
- Elisa Baek, Christin Scholz, Matt O’Donnell, Emily Falk: Neural Correlates of Selecting and Sharing Information
Social Media and Social Movements (Koh)
- Aaron Shapiro: The Medium is the Mob
Strategies and Tactics in Popular Politics (Yoh)
- Marwan Kraidy: Animal Symbolism in Political Humor Revolutionary Egypt From “Laughing Cow” to “Roaring Lion”
17:00 - 18:15
Communication Infrastructure and the Social Shaping of Technology (Kusu)
- Aaron Shapiro: The Urban Stack: A Topology for Urban Data Infrastructures
Saturday, June 11
8:00 - 9:15
Media & Democracy: Press Freedom and Censorship (Olive)
- Devra Moehler: Media and Attitudes About Electoral Malpractice: A Field Experiment in a New Democracy
Representation (Still) Matters (Yoh)
- Barbie Zelizer: Why representation needs to be unneutralized in news
Alternative Inroads Into Web History: The Role of Videotext/Teletext and Other Developments in Europe and Asia (Argos C)
- Carolyn Marvin: Blurred Lines: Fantasy, Anxiety, and Trust in the History of Technology
9:30 - 10:45
Antismoking/Antidrinking: High Density Panel in Health Communication (Argos E)
- Sijia Yang, Erin Moloney, Joseph Cappella: Effects of Visuals and Arguments in Electronic Cigarette Ads on Smokers’ Perceptions of “Secondhand Vaping”
- Hyun Suk Kim, Joseph Cappella: Message Persuasiveness and Audience Selection: How Argument Strength Shapes Smokers’ Selective Exposure to Antismoking Messages
- Jiaying Liu, Matt O’Donnell, Emily Falk: Neural Activity During Antismoking Message Exposure Predicts Subsequent Counterarguing Among Smokers
- Kirsten Lochbuehler, Jiaying Liu, Qinghua (Candy) Yang, Robert Hornik: The Lagged Effect of Cigarette and E-Cigarette Information Scanning on Intention to Initiate E-Cigarette Use Among Youth and Young Adults
Challenging the Narrative of a ’Neutral Past’ in WWII: Transnational Media Perspectives (Argos C)
- Barbie Zelizer: Cold War Mindedness, Again
11:00 - 12:15
A BRICS Internet: ‘Balkanizing’ or Broadening the Digital Discourse? (Rigel)
- Guobin Yang: China’s Internet as a Crossroads
Election Debates: Exposure and Effects (Olive)
- Hye-Yon Lee: The Influence of ‘Social Viewing’ on Televised Debate Viewers’ Candidate Evaluation: Bandwagon or Underdog Effects?
Interpersonal Communication and Health (Kei)
- Michelle Jeong: Sharing Health Content: Measurement Validation in the Context of Tobacco and E-Cigarette Behaviors
12:30 - 13:45
Social Media and Technology as New Playgrounds: Hashtags and Beyond (Kiku)
- Rosemary Clark: DIY Feminism: Making the Personal Political – A Work-in-Progress
Masses, Crowds, Media (Koh)
- Aaron Shapiro: The Mob and the Media
- Chair: Sharrona Pearl
Audience Engagement With News (TOP FACULTY PAPER AWARDEE) (Vega)
- Christin Scholz, Elisa Baek, Matt O’Donnell, Hyun Suk Kim, Joe Cappella, Emily Falk: The Value of Sharing: A Neural Model of Self-Related and Social Processing in Value-Based Virality
14:00 - 15:15
Psychophysiological and Neuroscientific Perspectives in Communication (Argos D)
- Christin Scholz, Elisa Baek, Matt O’Donnell, Emily Falk: Sharing for the (Social) Self and Others: Neural Mechanisms Driving Broad- and Narrowcasting
- Elizabeth Beard, Chris Cascio, Matt O’Donnell, Emily Falk: Neural Mechanisms Associated With Social Influence Predict Social Influence on Driving Risk
Antismoking Health Messages (Navis B)
- Yotam Ophir, Erin Maloney, Joseph Cappella: The Effects of Graphic Warning Labels’ Vividness on Message Engagement and Intentions to Quit Smoking
15:30 - 16:45
International Communication Association Annual Awards and Presidential Address with Amy Jordan (Argos C)
Sunday, June 12
8:00 - 9:15
Politicians in the News: With What Effect? (Sumire)
- Dror Walter, Sijia Yang: It's the Structure, Stupid: Measuring Media Coverage impact on Candidates' Electoral Success Using Semantic Networks
Cold War Histories of Global Media and Politics (Argos C)
- Elisabetta Ferrari: The History of il Manifesto and the Evolution of the Italian Left from the Prague Spring to the Arab Spring
- Guobin Yang: The Global Imaginary in China’s Red Guard Press, 1966-1968
The Evolving Structures, Dynamics, and Forces of Global Communication (Rigel)
- Monroe Price: "Regardless of Frontiers”: The Rise, Decline and Renewal of Global Communication
9:30 - 10:45
Media, Ferguson, and #BlackLivesMatter (Fuji)
- Elena Maris: "Broken Windows" in the Ferguson Era: Original Theory and Contemporary Discourse
Sex, Sexting, Sexuality (Sage)
- Jingwen Zhang: Boundaries of Sexual Communication: A Mixed-Method Study Exploring Chinese Young Adults' Engagement With Online Sexual Health Information
New Methods in Communication and Technology (Kusu)
- Sandra González-Bailón: Scale, Time, and Activity Patterns: Advanced Methods for the Analysis of Online Networks
11:00 - 12:15
Studying News Exposure in the Digital Era (Sumire)
- Sandra González-Bailón: Online Media Networks and Audience Flow: Fragmentation in the Production and Consumption of News on the Web
The Visual Powers of Place, Space, and Landscape (Fuji)
- Marwan Kraidy: The City as Medium of Revolution? Beirut Graffiti and the Syrian Uprising
- Samantha Oliver: The Strange Case of Seattle's Lenin: The Temporal and Spatial Boundaries of Public Art Engagement
- Chair: Marwan Kraidy
12:30 - 13:45
ICA Plenary Interactive Paper/Poster Session III (Grand Foyer)
- Sharrona Pearl: A Very Special Makeover: Face Transplants on Television
14:00 - 15:15
Cognition, Attitude, and Persuasion (Argos D)
- Minji Kim, Emily Falk: Objective and Perceived Similarity in Persuasion: Smoker-Audience Similarity in Antismoking Campaigns
Media, Race, Ethnicity, and Stereotypes (Ran)
- Morgan Ellithorpe: Cultivation of Attitudes Toward African Americans: Sports, News, and Situation Comedies
Collective Action and Digital Advocacy (Rigel)
- Elisabetta Ferrari: "Fake" Accounts, Real Activism: Political Faking and User-Generated Satire as Activist Intervention
Work Processes and Production Practices in the Media Industry (Anzu)
- Pawel Popiel: “Boundaryless” in the Creative Economy: Assessing Freelancing on oDes
15:30 - 16:45
Policy Perspectives on Internet Rights for Citizens and Consumers (Fuji)
- Elisabetta Ferrari: What “The Internet Requires”: The Discourse Of Internet Exceptionalism In The Italian Declaration Of Internet Rights
Social Support for Health: Information Seeking, Obesity/Eating, Cancer (Navis B)
- Qinghua "Candy" Yang: Social Support, Trust, and Health Information Seeking Behavior (HISB): A Study Using the 2012 Annenberg National Health Communication Survey (ANHCS)
Histories of Communication Technology: Infrastructures and Flows (Kashi)
- Jonathan Pace: Decentralization and the Underground Press in 1960s America
17:00 - 18:15
Messages That Move (Argos C)
- Joseph Hilgard, Ken Winneg, Kathleen Hall Jamieson: Cross-Pressuring Conservative Catholics? The U.S. Public’s Reaction to Pope Francis’ Encyclical on Climate Change
Gendering Politics and Political Activisms (Ran)
- Marwan Kraidy: Body Blows Art, Activism, and Nudity in Times of Revolution
National and Organizational Culture and Communication (Kei)
- Bo Mai: Surveillance With Chinese Characteristics: Analysis of Government Expenditure on Data-Driven Online Public Opinion Monitoring
Monday, June 13
8:00 - 9:15
GIFTS: Great Ideas for Teaching Students (Board Room)
- Doron Taussig: G.I.F.T.S. Submission: Make a Hollywood Movie in 15 minutes
9:30 - 10:45
The Study of Online Opinion Expression (Vega)
- Rui Shi: Communicating Policy to the Public: Influence of Online News Coverage and User-Generated Comments
11:00 - 12:15
Framing and Logics Surveillance and Privacy (Kashi)
- Tim Libert: The Logic of Connective Surveillance: Distributed Social Movements and the Role of Centralized Communication Infrastructures
Communicating With and To Power: Building Communication Capacity to Tackle Wicked Problems (Argos C)
- Michael Delli Carpini: The Role of Communication in the Political World
- Monroe Price: Global Strategic Communication – Governments, Advocacy and Power
14:00 - 15:15
Intervention and Privacy in Online Behaviour (Fuji)
- Piotr Szpunar: Internet Radicalization: Fear in Small Numbers, Internet Governance, and Politics in Data
15:30 - 16:45
Narrative Processing (Argos D)
- Angeline (LeeAnn) Sangalang: Explicating the Influence of Character-Audience Similarity on Narrative Processing
Visual Aspects In Mobile Media (Ran)
- Yilang Peng: “Time Travel With One Click:” Effects of Digital Filters on Perceptions of Mobile Photographs