Matthew Brook O'Donnell, Ph.D.

- Research Associate, Communication Neuroscience Lab
- Lecturer, Annenberg Undergraduate Program
O'Donnell’s research background includes corpus linguistics, natural language processing, and data mining with a focus on extracting linguistic patterns and networks from large textual databases (or corpora). He is interested in combining linguistic analyses of media language and persuasive discourse with behavioral and neuroscience approaches.
Selected Publications
- COMM 2550 Foundations in Data Science for Communication
- COMM 3130 (formerly 313) Computational Text Analysis for Communication Research
- COMM 3180 (formerly 318) Stories From Data: Programming for Data Journalism
- COMM 4190 Talking with AI: Computational and Communication Approaches
- COMM 5190 Talking with AI: Computational and Communication Approaches

A New Class Has Students Use AI To Do Their Homework
Lecturer Matt O’Donnell’s course “Talking with AI: Computational and Communication Approaches” encourages undergraduates to play with AI.