Monroe Price, J.D.

- Retired Associated Faculty
Monroe Price’s interests include international education and training in comparative media law and policy.
Monroe E. Price is a retired Adjunct Full Professor at the Annenberg School for Communication and the Joseph and Sadie Danciger Professor of Law and Director of the Howard M. Squadron Program in Law, Media and Society at the Cardozo School of Law. He directs the Stanhope Centre for Communications Policy Research in London, and is the Chair of the Center for Media and Communication Studies of the Central European University in Budapest.
As the founder and former director of the Center for Global Communication Studies at Annenberg, Price has worked with a wide transnational network of regulators, scholars, and practitioners in Europe, Africa, Latin America, and Asia as well as in the United States. Under his direction, CGCS engaged in public opinion research in Sudan, providing technical assistance in Jordan and Thailand, encouraging the intelligent development of media policies and new information technologies in a wide variety of settings including Thailand and Somaliland. Price founded the Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy at Oxford University and remains a Research Fellow there. CGCS also fostered the Stanhope Center for Communications Policy Research, located at the London School of Economics.
- B.A., Yale University, 1960
- J.D., Yale University, 1964
Selected Publications
Free Expression, Globalism, and the New Strategic Communication. Cambridge University Press, 2015.
Internet Governance: The NETmundial Roadmap. USC Annenberg Press, 2014.
Owning the Olympics: Narratives of the New China. University of Michigan Press, 2008.
Global Civil Society 2007/8: Communicative Power and Democracy. Sage, 2007.
Born in Vienna: Versuch einer Annäherung. Drava, 2006.
Self-Regulation and the Internet. Kluwer Law International, 2004.
Academy & the Internet. Peter Lang, 2004.
Public Service Broadcasting in Transition: A Documentary Reader. Kluwer Law International, 2003.
Media Reform: Democratizing the Media, Democratizing the State. Routledge, 2002.
Parental Control of Television Broadcasting. Routledge, 2001.
The V-chip Debate: Content Filtering From Television To the Internet. Routledge, 1998.
A Communications Cornucopia: Markle Foundation Essays on Information Policy. Brookings, 1998.
Television, the Public Sphere, and National Identity. Oxford University Press, 1996.
Rights of Access To the Media. Kluwer Law International, 1995.
Cable Television and Other Nonbroadcast Video: Law and Policy. Clark Boardman Callaghan, 1986.
Direct Broadcasting from Satellites: Policies and Problems. West Publishing, 1975.
Cable Television: A Guide for Citizen Action. Pilgrim Press, 1972.

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