Panel Discussion: Understanding Anti-AAPI Sentiment and Violence

April 14, 2021 12:00pm
  • Virtual Event
Audience Open to the Public

Josephine Park, Ti-Hua Chang, Nydia Han, and Murali Balaji will discuss anti-AAPI sentiment from anti-Asian laws and the Vincent Chin murder to the "China Virus."

This event will be held on Zoom. Click here to register.

About the Event

As attacks against Asian Americans rise in Philadelphia and across the country, AAPI academics, activists, and media figures note that this trajectory is in keeping with America's history of maintaining the Otherness of Asian Americans. In this conversation, moderated by Murali Balaji, distinguished speakers from the AAPI community highlight the implications of this anti-AAPI wave and the possible role media institutions have played. They will examine how anti-Asian sentiment at the turn of the 20th century created an atmosphere that vilified Asians as foreign threats, resulting in both legal decisions and violence that disenfranchised the AAPI community in many parts of the country. They will examine how the murder of Vincent Chin in 1983 continues to haunt Asian American community leaders today, and why the violence against AAPIs during the pandemic has resonated across generations of Asian Americans.

Penn's Asian American Studies Program is a co-sponsor of this event.


  • Josephine Park — Professor of English & Asian American Studies and Director of Asian American Studies, University of Pennsylvania
  • Ti-Hua Chang — Climate Change Investigative Reporter, TYT Investigates
  • Nydia Han — Consumer Investigative Reporter, Troubleshooter, and Co-Anchor of Action News Sunday Mornings, ABC Philadelphia
  • Murali Balaji — Graduate Diversity Advisor & Professional Development Supervisor and Undergraduate Lecturer, Annenberg School