Graduation Awards & Honors
The Annenberg School honors Communication majors at graduation for their achievements.
The Degree in Communication with Honors
Communication majors who have at least a 3.5 overall GPA at the end of the junior year are eligible to complete a Communication Honors Thesis and graduate with the degree in Communication with Honors. To complete the Communication Major with the Honors designation, students must successfully complete the two-course senior thesis seminar and have at least a 3.5 overall GPA upon graduation.
Annenberg Graduation Awards
Annenberg annually presents graduating Communication majors with a number of awards during its undergraduate commencement ceremony. These may include the following:
- Honorable Walter H. Annenberg Award: Named in honor of the school’s founder, this award recognizes a graduating Communication major who has most strengthened and improved the University of Pennsylvania’s student community through Communication service activities.
- C. Nicole Dickerson Award: Named in memory of former Undergraduate Advisor Dickerson, this public service award recognizes a graduating Communication major who has made a significant contribution to our neighbors in the West Philadelphia community.
- Kathleen Hall Jamieson Award: Named in honor of former Dean Jamieson, this award recognizes a graduating Communication major who has demonstrated consistent academic excellence as reflected in an outstanding grade point average across their major courses.
- Phyllis C. Kaniss Award: Named in memory of former Assistant Dean Kaniss, this award recognizes a graduating Communication major who has demonstrated a commitment to civic participation through meaningful action around issues of public concern on or off campus.
- Carolyn Marvin Award for Free Speech and Assembly: Named in honor of the Frances Yates Emeritus Professor of Communication, this award recognizes a graduating Communication major who, through their curricular, co-curricular, or extra-curricular activities has done the most to advance understanding of the importance of free speech and assembly in a democratic society.
- Charles Morris Price Prize: This award recognizes an outstanding graduating Communication major who has distinguished themselves through a combination of academic excellence, research accomplishments, and/or contributions to Annenberg’s academic objectives. (Cash prize of $500)
- Michael X. Delli Carpini Award: Named in honor of former Dean Delli Carpini, this award recognizes a graduating Communication major who has completed an outstanding thesis in the Communication and Public Service program.
- George Gerbner Award: Named in honor of former Dean Gerbner, this award recognizes a graduating Communication major whose outstanding honors thesis best demonstrates an original and comprehensive application of research skills as well as a thorough understanding of Communication scholarship.