group of people on a beach, posing in a crouched position, smiling for the photo
Communication Neuroscience Lab


Are you interested in joining our lab or its research? Read on!

We believe that our science is better with a diverse team. We embrace and encourage our lab members’ differences in age, color, disability, ethnicity, family or marital status, gender identity or expression, language, national origin, ability, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, veteran status, and other characteristics that make our lab members who they are.

Alumni from our lab have gone on to successful careers in research, and academia, government, non-profit, and business arenas. Many of them continue to collaborate with us and with one another.


Four people jumping in mid-air with their arms up with the Philadelphia skyline in the background
Falklab members on a lunchtime run outside the Philadelphia Art Museum

Postdoctoral Fellows

people in audience listening
Former Postdoc Boaz Hameiri

We are not actively recruiting right now, but if your interests overlap with ours, please feel free to reach out.

To do so, please send an email to Dr. Falk with the subject line “Postdoc Inquiry,” and include the following information:

  • A research statement/ letter of interest
  • CV
  • Contact information for three references


Graduate Students

Dr. Falk is currently looking for qualified graduate students to join the lab. Interested students can apply to join the lab through Penn's Ph.D. program(s) in CommunicationPsychology, and/or Neuroscience

Three people standing in a triangle discussing something in a classroom
Graduate students Prateekshit Pandey, Jake Parelman, and Rui Pei

Undergraduate Researchers

Student speaking at a podium with the Annenberg logo on it
Former undergraduate researcher Hadeel Saab

1) Work-study Research Assistant Positions
We welcome applications from work-study undergraduate students at Penn. In general, we look for a strong desire to learn about conducting research in a wide range of fields (e.g. social sciences, public health, communication).

Typically, undergraduate students are asked to commit 8-12 hours per week in the lab for at least one year. Other arrangements can be made on a case-by-case basis (e.g. in the summer, when students have more hours per week to commit).

Interested students can complete this survey to give us a brief overview of your interests and past experiences.

2)  MindCORE Summer Fellowship (REU) Program
MindCORE Summer Fellowship (REU) Program is a paid 10-week program for both Penn and non-Penn undergraduate students. Summer Fellows are matched with select MindCORE faculty in interdisciplinary mind and brain studies based on student research interest and mentor preference. With their mentors, students embark on a research project shaped as much as possible by their interests. Housing is provided for all non-Penn participants. 

Interested students can read more about the progran, its eligibility requirements, and its application instructions on the MindCORE website. In the application, interested students can list Prof. Emily Falk as a desired mentor.


High School Students

Unfortunately, we are not able to offer any opportunities (neither paid nor volunteer) for high school students to work with our lab.