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The Neuroscience of Choice & Change

What We Value

What We Value: The Neuroscience of Choice and Change by Emily Falk is now available for pre-order! learn morE

Book cover for What We Value: The Neuroscience of Choice and Change by Emily Falk

Amid the many competing priorities of our busy lives, it can feel difficult to make the right decisions--ones that feel aligned with the things we care about. Change can feel almost impossible. In this book, award-winning researcher Emily Falk reveals how we can transform our relationship with the daily choices that define our lives by thinking like a neuroscientist about what we value.

Introducing us to three brain systems responsible for computing our everyday decisions in a process known as the value calculation, Falk shows how we can work more strategically with our brains to make more fulfilling choices. Whether deciding on lunch or a career, changing our routines or other people's minds, we learn how changing what we think about can change what we think, connecting with our core values can make us less defensive, and broadening our curiosity about different perspectives can seed innovation. Based on cutting-edge research, What We Value is a groundbreaking guide to finding new possibilities in our choices--and the lives we ultimately make with them.

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Reviews and Endorsements

“In What We Value, Emily Falk—one of my favorite neuroscientists—explains in beautiful, personal, first-person prose how our brains make choices for us, what we can do to change those choices, and how we can tune our connections to other people. Falk meets ancient questions with modern neuroscience—and in her honest, humble, authoritative voice, engages us in a conversation that may well change the choices we make and, in turn, the people we are.”

—Angela Duckworth, New York Times best-selling author of Grit;
Professor of Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania

“Emily Falk has given us an intellectually penetrating and beautifully written account of how what we value at any one moment influences our choices, which influence the choices of those around us, which redound to influence us in turn. Even better, she specifies practices we can employ to affect the brain processes responsible for these influences. It is the best blending I have seen of important behavioral and neuroscience evidence.”

—Robert Cialdini, New York Times best-selling author of Influence and Pre-Suasion;
Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Marketing at Arizona State University

“An illuminating journey inside the human brain. If you’ve ever wondered what happens in your head when you make decisions and change habits, Emily Falk offers a wealth of insight."

—Adam Grant, #1 New York Times best-selling author of Think Again and Option B;
 Professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania

“‘Values’ can feel fuzzy, a fit for philosophers and theologians, not science. But researchers are now exploring how value works in the brain; their fascinating insights make clear that we can not just understand what drives us, but also shape it. Emily Falk is a world leader in this space, and in this book, she provides a tour of motivation, thinking, and action. Filled with cutting-edge science and riveting stories, What We Value will help you better understand how you make decisions, and equip you to make them more wisely.”

—Jamil Zaki, author of Hope for Cynics;
 Professor of Psychology at Stanford University

“Rich, riveting, and packed with practical insights drawn from cutting-edge research, What We Value will help you approach choices and change more effectively. A brilliant neuroscientist and masterful storyteller, Falk has produced a captivating must-read for anyone who aspires to learn and grow.” 

—Katy Milkman, best-selling author of How to Change;
Professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania

"A rare glimpse into the mechanics of how our brains make decisions. . . . Essential reading for anyone who wants to effect real change in their life, business, or community."

—Jonah Berger, best-selling author of Contagious and The Catalyst;
Professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania

“Through understanding individual motivations behind decision-making and the many variables that can ultimately align toward bigger-picture goals and values, Falk empowers readers to make more consciously attuned choices."

—Kathleen Gerard, blogger at Reading Between the Lines, 
Click here to read the full review on Shelf Awareness

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