Annenberg Welcomes Visiting Scholars and Postdoctoral Fellows for 2024-25

A new academic year brings new faces to Annenberg and many of its centers.

With the kickoff of the 2024-25 academic year, the Annenberg School and its centers are pleased to welcome many new scholars who will be in residence for all or part of this year. Please welcome them!

Visiting Scholars

Annenberg Center for Collaborative Communication (C3)

John Cheney-Lippold is an Associate Professor of American Culture and Digital Studies at the University of Michigan. Cheney-Lippold researches and writes on the impact of digital media on our social and political lives, with a particular emphasis on algorithms, artificial intelligence, and predictive technologies.

Annenberg Center for Collaborative Communication (APPC)

John Gastil is a distinguished Professor of Communication at Penn State in the Department of Arts and Sciences and in the Department of Political Science. He studies political deliberation and group decision-making across a range of contexts. 

Center for Advanced Research in Global Communication (CARGC)

Sneha Gore Mehendale is a media professional-turned-academic from Pune, India. Her work focuses on exploring the practices of digital journalists in India; with podcasting being a specific focus area.

Samina Mishra is a documentary filmmaker, writer, and teacher based in New Delhi, with a special interest in media for and about children.

Adrienne Shaw (Ph.D. '10) is an Associate Professor in Temple University’s Department of Media Studies and Production. Her research focuses on representations of marginalized groups in media, specializing in video games and gaming culture.

Center for Media at Risk

Moya Bailey is a professor at Northwestern University. Her work focuses on marginalized groups’ use of digital media to promote social justice. She studies race, gender, disability, and sexuality in media and medicine.

Center on Digital Culture and Society (CDCS)

Carolyn Biltoft is an Assistant Professor in International History at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva. Her research fuses the tools of intellectual history, cultural studies, media, and critical theory to explore the changing material and immaterial infrastructures of globalization.

Postdoctoral Fellows

Annenberg Center for Collaborative Communication (C3)

Nelanthi Hewa is a Postdoctoral Fellow at C3. Her research focuses on sexual violence news coverage in Canada, journalism labor, and digital platforms

Annenberg Public Policy Center (APPC)

Ramatoulie Jallow is the Mary Frances Berry Postdoctoral Fellow at APPC. She will support the Center for Ethics and Rule of Law’s research on civic education in the military. She is a national security practitioner and attorney from Botswana, the Gambia, and the United States specializing in human rights, democratization, armed conflict, conflict prevention, transitional justice, countering violent extremism, and strategic impact litigation.

Ovidia Stanoi is the Climate Action and Resiliency Postdoctoral Fellow at the Penn Center for Science, Sustainability, and the Media and APPC. Her research is twofold. First, she studies how people regulate their emotions, perceptions, and behaviors to build social connections and to achieve their social goals. Second, she examines the neural, behavioral, and network mechanisms through which social relationships impact well-being and health.

Annenberg School for Communication

Postdoctoral Fellow Irteza Anwara Mohyuddin examines how Black histories and arts are produced, commemorated, and archived in Philadelphia.

Postdoctoral Fellow Christopher Muhawe researches the intersection of privacy, racial justice, and immigration policies in sociotechnical and digital spaces. His work incorporates ethical and human rights approaches to safeguarding information privacy for marginalized communities.

Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellow Julian Quiros studies datafication and platformization in the field of social welfare, with a particular interest in understanding how these processes affect representation and, by extension, policy and practice.

Cerianne Robertson is the 2024-26 George Gerbner Postdoctoral Fellow. Her research focuses on media narratives and discourses that sustain power relations, particularly for cities and sports mega-events.

Center for Advanced Research in Global Communication (CARGC)

Ennuri Jo is a Postdoctoral Fellow at CARGC. Her research explores the intersections of film theory, early cinema, global ecomedia, and theories of technology.

Sima Kokotović is a Postdoctoral Fellow at CARGC. His research examines intersections of global film cultures and leftist politics.

Center for Media at Risk

Recent Annenberg graduate Jeanna Sybert (Ph.D. ‘24) joins the Center for Media at Risk as a postdoctoral fellow. She studies the workings of U.S. journalism, digital culture, and visual communication and what the intersections of these reveal about contemporary public discourse and culture.

Center on Digital Culture and Society (CDCS)

Lucy March is a Postdoctoral Fellow at CDCS. Her research focuses on internet cultures, popular music, and identity representations in popular media.

Communication Neuroscience Lab

Diego Reinero is a MindCORE Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania. He investigates how people's moral and political views change through conversations and social networks and why such changes can be so difficult.

Polarization Research Lab

Erin Walk is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Polarization Research Lab. Her work focuses on ways in which the internet has impacted traditional forms of political expression and attitude formation.

Social Action Lab

Maya Enisman is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Social Action Lab with a joint appointment in the Department of Psychology. Her research explores the intersection of motivation, social cognition, and decision-making, currently focusing on beliefs surrounding behavioral change.

Minjae Seo is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Social Action Lab. Her research centers on understanding the effects of diverse socio-cultural factors in interpersonal and intergroup contexts.