Media Activism Research Collective (MARC)
A collaborative, interdisciplinary space linking students with peers, scholars, and resources to foster deep learning and insightful research on activism, social movements, and media
Media Activism Research Collective (MARC) offers a collaborative space for graduate students working at the intersections of activism, communication, and social justice. Innovative research in areas requires methodologies and frameworks that transcend disciplinary boundaries.
In the spirit of the field's rich diversity, MARC brings together graduate students and faculty from different disciplines at Penn and beyond to establish a supportive network for research that might not lend itself to a traditional laboratory setting, but nonetheless benefits from collective thinking and creative experimentation. MARC links students with peers, leading scholars, and resources to foster intellectual conversations and communities that are deeply engaged with public issues and institutions.
Jointly supported by the Center on Digital Culture and Society and the Media, Inequality and Change Center, MARC sponsors work-in-progress sessions and guest-speakers.

Contact Us
Guobin Yang
Grace Lee Boggs Professor of Communication and Sociology
(215) 573-2296