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Jin Woo Kim Named 2019-21 George Gerbner Postdoctoral Fellow

His work focuses how people are affected by political (mis)information and how new media environments shape politics.

Data Artist and Doctoral Student Roopa Vasudevan Finds Creative Ways to Tell Untold Stories

She collects data about important issues and creates visually appealing ways to convey it to others.


Media, Inequality and Change Center Receives Lenfest Institute Grant

The grant will allow MIC to facilitate dialogue between Philadelphia’s leading journalists and public advocates.


Center for Advanced Research in Global Communication Releases CARGC Paper 10

The paper explores the conflation of hacktivism with cyber-terrorism that enables states to criminalize non-violent hackers.

Faculty News

Duncan Watts Appointed Penn Integrates Knowledge University Professor

He is jointly appointed in the School of Engineering, the Annenberg School, and the Wharton School.


Black and Hispanic Teens See Risky Behaviors on Social Media, but Few Actually Post about Them.

A new study from alum Robin Stevens and researcher Amy Bleakley surveyed youth about their social media experiences.

Faculty News

Price and Ristovska Edit Volume Visual Imagery and Human Rights Practice

The book examines the role images play in human rights claims.

In Memoriam

In Memoriam: Paul Messaris, Visual Communication Scholar and Beloved Mentor

Professor Emeritus Messaris, also an Annenberg alum, passed away last week.

Undergraduate News

“The Communication Research Experience” Tested How to Get Out the Vote for the Midterm Elections

Students conducted an experiment that tested competition and identity priming as possibilities for increasing voter turnout.