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P.O. Box 34: Penn Students Connect with Incarcerated Writers

Incarcerated writers who choose to participate in the program are paired up with a Penn undergraduate student who corresponds with them about their work.

News Honored with 2020 Sigma Delta Chi Award

A project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center, was recognized for excellence in professional journalism.


Having a Strong Life Purpose Eases the Loneliness of COVID-19 Isolation

Those who felt their life was guided by meaningful values or goals were more willing to engage in COVID-19 protective behaviors.


Correcting Misperceptions about — and Increasing Empathy for — Migrants

Americans dramatically overestimate the number of migrants affiliated with gangs and children being trafficked.


Fashina Aladé (C'11) Delivers 2021 Annenberg Graduation Speech

Aladé encouraged graduates to be open to new possibilities, say “yes” when it feels right, and build community.


MIC Infographic: Raising the Bar for Journalism

A new infographic entitled “Raising the Bar for Journalism” and released by the Media, Inequality & Change Center (MIC) makes...

Faculty News

Jemmott and Tan on Philly Team Awarded $1.4 Million NIH Grant to Expand COVID-19 Outreach

The team includes researchers from the Annenberg School, Penn Nursing, Penn Medicine, the City of Philadelphia Department of Public Health, and Philly Counts.


Juan Castrillón Named Inaugural Seldes Fellow

The fellowship is named in honor of the Annenberg School's founding dean, Gilbert Seldes.

Graduate Student News

Lauren Bridges Receives 2021-22 Graduate Student Fellowship for Teaching Excellence

The fellowship is designed to help graduate students develop as teachers.


Center on Digital Culture and Society Announces Two New Postdoctoral Fellows

Dasol Kim and Woori Han will join the Annenberg School this fall.