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Annenberg Presentations and Events at ICA 2023

The International Communication Association will hold its 73rd annual conference in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.


Americans Don’t Understand What Companies Can Do With Their Personal Data — and That’s a Problem

A new survey of 2,000 Americans finds that people don’t understand what marketers are learning about them online and don’t want their data collected, but feel powerless to stop it.


Is Social Media Good or Bad for Social Unity?

Annenberg professors Sandra González-Bailón and Yphtach Lelkes reviewed all of the previous literature to compile what scholars have discovered to date.


Quotable: Insights from Annenberg Faculty and Students

Throughout October, we have been looking back at insights shared by our faculty and students over the past several years.


Annenberg Conversations to Focus on Public Service in a Time of Polarization in 2022-2023 Academic Year

This year's Annenberg Conversations event series will focus on civic engagement during turbulent times.

Faculty News

How Ideologically Divided is the American Public?

The Polarization Research Lab, a new initiative from Prof. Yphtach Lelkes and colleagues at Dartmouth and Stanford, will work to answer that question.


New Polarization Research Lab to Study Political Animosity in the U.S.

To understand where partisan animosity comes from and what can be done to address it, researchers from the Annenberg School...


Cable News Networks Have Grown More Polarized, Study Finds

An analysis of 10 years of cable TV news reveals a growing partisan gap as networks like Fox and MSNBC have shifted to the right or the left of the political spectrum, especially in their primetime programming.


Are Republicans and Democrats Driven By Hatred of One Another? Less Than You Think.

Rather than being fueled by animosity for the other side — negative partisanship — a new study finds that Americans are at least as motivated by the passion they have for their own party.


Annenberg Presentations at ICA 2022

The International Communication Association will be hosting a hybrid conference this year with the in-person sessions in Paris.