Annenberg Presentations at NCA 2023
The convention theme, "Freedom," allows us to challenge assumptions of what freedom means and offer solutions for individuals, groups, organizations, and societies to attain freedom.

Ten faculty and students will present research at the National Communication Association’s 2023 Annual Convention, to be held November 15-19 in National Harbor, Maryland.
All Annenberg contributions to the conference are listed below, including date and time, panel name, location, and presentation title.
Wednesday, November 15
9:00am - 5:00pm
Preconference 07: Using Interactional Approaches in Equity Focused Applied Communication Research: Insights from Multidisciplinary Teams (Chesapeake 12)
- Kate Okker-Edging - Presenter
Thursday, November 16
8:00 - 9:15am
New Directions in Environmental Communication (Chesapeake B)
- Qijia Ye - "The Effects of Anger and Guilt Appeals on Information Management in the Context of Ocean Plastic Pollution" (paper will be presented by a co-author)
9:30 - 10:45am
#Girlboss Economicus: Exploring the Economic Rhetoric of #GirlBoss Culture (Chesapeake 12)
- Sarah Banet-Weiser & Kat Higgins - "Grifting Femininity: Con(fidence), Girlbosses, and Post-Authenticity on Television"
12:30 - 1:45pm
Black Women: Freedom to Be! (National Harbor 6)
- Cienna Davis & Azsaneé Truss - "Radically Imagining and Birthing New Futures: Archiving Black-Led Birth Centers Across the U.S."
Friday, November 17
8:00 - 9:15am
Exploring Military Issues Across Mediated Spaces (National Harbor 14)
- Matthew Conaty - "Reverence Vs. Relevance: Continuity and Change in the United States Army's 'The Calling' Advertising Campaign"
2:00 - 3:15pm
Scholar-to-Scholar: Communicating Freedom Day Two (Potomac Ballroom)
- Kate Okker-Edging - "It's a Big Family in the Comments: Young Adult Use of TikTok to Address Mental Health"
High Density Research Roundtable Discussions: Contemporary Considerations in Political Communication (Potomac 2)
- Chloe Ahn - "Silencing Voices: The Asymmetric Impact of Perceived Public Opinion Against Feminism on Opinion Expression Behaviors" (Paper presented by co-author Go-Eun Kim)
3:30 - 4:45
Student Section Top Four Papers (Maryland 5)
- Sarika Rau - "The Making of a Vigilante: Law-Adjacent Heroes in Popular Media"
Saturday, November 18
7:00 - 9:00am
Annenberg Alumni Breakfast (Maryland C). Please contact if you did not RSVP, but wish to attend.
9:30 - 10:45am
Infrastructure of Oppression (Chesapeake H/I)
- Matthew Conaty - "Activated for Your Protection: A Cultural Appraisal of the Emergency Broadcast System"
3:30 - 4:45pm
La Raza Caucus Mentorship Gathering (Maryland D)
- Arlene Fernández - Presenter
7:00 - 9:00pm
Annenberg East/West Reception (Maryland C)
Sunday, November 19
8:00 - 9:15am
Encouraging Pro-Social Behaviors: The Effect of Messaging and Motivation (Annapolis 2)
- Qijia Ye - "Examining the Effects of Guilt and Anger Appeals on Cognitive Responses and Activism Behaviors" (paper will be presented by a co-author)
9:30 - 10:45am
Emotional Dynamics in Political Communication Research (National Harbor 11)
- Shengchun Huang & Yphtach Lelkes - "The Interpersonal Dynamics and Functions of Partisan Negativity"