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Annenberg Presentations at ICA 2020

We've compiled a helpful list of all presentations being given by Annenberg authors.


Annenberg Presentations at ICA 2019

We've compiled a helpful list of all presentations being given by Annenberg authors.

Faculty News

Annenberg Faculty and Alumni Join "Journal of Communication" Editorial Board

Numerous Annenberg alumni and current faculty are helping to guide the prestigious journal.

Graduate Student News

Gratale and Prasad Win 2018 James D. Woods Award

The award recognizes Annenberg graduate students for outstanding teaching.


Annenberg Presentations at ICA 2018

We've compiled a helpful list of all presentations being given by Annenberg authors.


Annenberg Presentations at ICA 2017

We've compiled a helpful list of all presentations being given by Annenberg authors.


Annenberg Presentations at NCA 2016

More than 25 Annenberg researchers will present next month at the National Communication Association's 102nd Annual Conference.


Annenberg Presentations at ICA 2016

More than 50 faculty and students will present research at the ICA's 66th annual conference in Fukuoka, Japan.