Annenberg Presentations at ICA 2019
We've compiled a helpful list of all presentations being given by Annenberg authors.

Photo Credit: Harold Mendoza / Unsplash
More than 75 faculty, students, postdoctoral fellows, and research staff will present research at the International Communication Association’s 69th Annual Conference, to be held May 24-28 at the Washington Hilton in Washington, D.C.
All Annenberg contributions to the conference are listed below, with panel name and room location.
Please Note: For group presentations, the first author listed is the designated presenter, except where otherwise noted. Non-Annenberg authors on the papers have been omitted in this list, except when they are presenters, but are available in the full program.
Thursday, May 23
8:00 – 17:00
Preconference: Digital Journalism in Latin America (Offsite - George Washington University, School of Media & Public Affairs, Rooms 306-308)
- Celeste Wagner — Discussant
Friday, May 24
8:00 – 16:30
Preconference: Justice and Order in the Datafied Society: Connecting Communications and Legal Theory (Offsite - American University, Washington College of Law)
- Joseph Turow — Panelist, "Autonomy and Voice in the Datafied Society"
8:00 – 17:00
Preconference: Taming and Nurturing the Wild Child: Government and Corporate Policies for Social Media (Morgan)
- Chloé Nurik — "Blind Trust, Amplified Discrimination: Facebook's Advertising System, Algorithmic Bias, and the Problem of Self-Regulation"
8:30 – 17:00
Preconference: New Conceptualizations and Research to Inform Message Testing: Perceived Message Effectiveness and Its Alternatives (Jefferson West)
- Joseph N. Cappella — Chair
Preconference: #CommunicationSoWhite: Discipline, Scholarship, and the Media (Offsite - Georgetown University, location TBD)
- John L. Jackson, Jr. — Participant
9:00 – 16:30
Preconference: A Media Welfare State? The Relevance of Welfare State Perspectives on Media Transformation and Regulation (Cabinet Room)
- Victor Pickard — "American Media Exceptionalism and the Public Option"
9:00 – 17:00
Preconference: Global Populism: Its Roots in Media and Religion (International Ballroom - East)
- John L. Jackson, Jr. — Participant
Preconference: Mediated Recognition: Identity, Justice and Activism (Cardozo)
- Guobin Yang — Co-Chair
Preconference: Political Communication Division Graduate Student Preconference (Offsite - George Washington University, School of Media & Public Affairs)
- Lizzie Martin — "Something Old, Something New: Newspaper Coverage of Republican Women on Social Media in the 2018 Midterm Elections"
- Alex Tolkin — "Kavanaugh and the Court: Institutional Legitimacy in the #MeToo Era"
12:00 – 16:30
Preconference: Engaged Journalism: Bridging Research and Practice (Offsite – Arizona State University – Barbara Barrett and Sandra Day O’Connor Washington Center, 8th Floor)
- Antoine Haywood — "Doing Community Journalism: A Case Study"
13:00 – 17:00
Preconference: Critical Incidents in Journalism (Jay)
- Barbie Zelizer — Respondent
- Florence Madenga — "(Re)telling the Story: Is the Rwanda Genocide a Critical Incident in Journalism?"
- Jeanna Sybert — "The Voices of Aleppo's Children: Reevaluating Journalistic Practices for New Coverage of Children Following the Syrian Civil War"
Saturday, May 25
8:00 – 9:15
Understanding Public Connection in the Age of Populism and Polarization (Georgetown East)
- Barbie Zelizer — "Why the Babysitter Model of Journalism Needs to Go"
Understanding Incivility and Its Effects (International Ballroom - West)
- Yphtach Lelkes — Chair
9:30 – 10:45
Misinformation, Disinformation, Fake News and Fact Checking 1 (Jefferson East)
- Yotam Ophir — Chair
- Stefanie Gratale — "Inoculating Against Misinformation: A Theoretical Application to Health-Related Marketing"
11:00 – 12:15
A Modern History of the Disinformation Age: Communication, Technology, and Democracy in Transition (Lincoln West)
- Victor Pickard — "Confronting Policy Failure (We Have Been Here Before)"
Affective Polarization (International Ballroom – East)
- Eric Forbush — "Nazis and Snowflakes: Incivility Drives Affective Polarization and Shifts the Tone of Online Political Discourse"
12:30 – 13:45
Global Communication and Social Change Interactive Poster Session (International Terrace)
- Clovis Bergère — "From Street Corners to Social Media: the Changing Location of Youth Citizenship in Guinea"
14:00 – 15:15
Journalism at Risk: Threats, Hate Speech, and the Negotiation of News Norms Under Duress (Georgetown East)
- Barbie Zelizer — Discussant
Applying Computer Vision in Communication Research (Morgan)
- Yilang Peng — Chair
- Yilang Peng (presented by Han Zhang) — "How People Use Pictures in Political Protests and Why It Matters"
Material and Embodied Expressions of Disruption, Dissent, and Dialogue: From Broadway Performances to Street Art (Columbia 11)
- Hanna E. Morris — "Aesthetic Disruptions in Everyday Life: Resolving the Contradictions of a Cosmopolitan Ideal in Contemporary Berlin"
New Research on Identity in Political Communication (Jay)
- Yphtach Lelkes (presented by Bert Bakker) — "An Expressive Utility Account of Partisan Cue Receptivity: Cognitive Resources in the Service of Identity Expression"
Research on Audience Response to Graphic Warning Labels (Columbia 5)
- Emma Jesch — "'I Quit’: Testing the Added Value of Including an Efficacy-Focused Message on Cigarette Package Warning Labels"
Rethinking Journalism through New Conceptual Approaches (Embassy)
- Jennifer R. Henrichsen — "Reconceptualizing Indigenous Journalism Through Information Poverty Theory"
Temporality and Memories of Protest (Jefferson West)
- Clovis Bergère — "Reclaiming Political Time/Assembling Youth on Guinean Social Media"
The Infrastructural Condition (Lincoln East)
- Aaron Shapiro and Zane Cooper — Chairs
- Zane Cooper — "Mining for the Future: Blockchain, Renewable Energy, and Emerging Extractive Entanglements in the Arctic"
- Aaron Shapiro — "Induction Machines and Infrastructures of Inference"
15:30 – 16:45
CAT Top Papers
- Lik Sam Chan — "The Rise of Blued, China’s World Largest Gay Social App: How Politics, Visions, and Capital Construct an Emerging Technology"
Communication Law & Policy: Policy Implications for Public Participation (Monroe)
- Pawel Popiel — "Let’s Talk about Regulation: The Revolving Door, Partisanship, and Regulatory Discourses at the FCC"
- Pawel Popiel — "Lost in Translation? Public Policy Input and the 2017 Net Neutrality Repeal"
Entertaining Ideas of Politics and Media (Jay)
- Eunji Kim — "Entertaining Beliefs in Economic Mobility"
- Michael X. Delli Carpini (presented by Nikita Savin) — "Making Politics Attractive: Political Satire and Selective Exposure to Political Information in New Media Environment in Russia"
Evolving Cultures of Media Witnessing in the Digital Age (Lincoln East)
- Barbie Zelizer — "Why Invisibility Makes the News More Visible"
Gender, Memory, and Media (Embassy)
- Celeste Wagner — "Women as the Symbolic (Re)builders of the Nation: Women’s Day Posters in East Germany (1945-1961)"
- Muira McCammon — "Fragments of the Führer(bunker): A Multi-Methods Mnemonic Exploration in Post-War Berlin"
Network Dynamics on Social Media (Oaklawn)
- Tian Yang, Subhayan Mukerjee, and Sandra González-Bailón — "Niche News and Peripheral Fragmentation: A Network Percolation Approach to the Analysis of News Consumption"
- Alvin Zhou and Sandra González-Bailón — "Revisiting Ideological Segregation on the Web: A Block Model Approach to Audience Network Data"
Top Four Papers in Health Communication (Columbia 5)
- Damon Centola (presented by Jingwen Zhang) — "Facts or Stories? How to Use Social Media for Cervical Cancer Prevention: A Multi-Method Study and Randomized Controlled Trial of the Effects of Sender Type and Content Type on Message Shares"
Gendered Bodies and Representations: Feminist Understandings of Identity and Diversity (Cardozo)
- Jasmine Erdener — "Seeking the Raced and Gendered Body in a Cyborg Future"
17:00 – 18:15
A Sampling of Urban Communication Scholarship - The James W. Carey Urban Communication Grant: A Decade of Support (Embassy)
- Jessa Lingel — Panelist
Polarized Media, Polarized Opinions? (Georgetown East)
- Dominik Stecula — "Politicized News: How the News Media Contributed to the Polarized Climate in the United States"
Sunday, May 26
8:00 – 9:15
Competitively Selected Papers around Media, Representation and News in Global Contexts (Columbia 6)
- Lauren Bridges — "Hacking the News: Constructing Murdoch’s Professional and The Myth of The Entrepreneur"
Efficacy of Social Media-Based Health Interventions (Columbia 7)
- Sijia Yang — "Attention Grabbing, Persuasiveness, and Virality: Theme Selection for Social Media-Based Health Campaigns"
Studies in Framing and Agenda Setting (Jefferson West)
- Leeann Siegel — "Framing an Epidemic: Impacts of Framing and Exemplar Characteristics in Opioid Epidemic News Articles on Attributions of Responsibility and Policy Support"
Mind and Body: Health in the CAM Space (Monroe)
- Amy Bleakley — Discussant
Marginalized Communities and Technology Policy: Transcending Boundaries with Qualitative Research (Shaw)
- Chloé Nurik (presented by Jan Fernback) — "Marginalized Communities and Technology Policy: Transcending Boundaries with Qualitative Research"
9:30 – 10:45
Combatting Misinformation (Columbia 6)
- Eric Forbush, Douglas Guilbeault, and Damon Centola — "Misinformation, Modularity, and Bot Zealots in the Wisdom of the Crowds"
Data, Metrics and Audiences (Fairchild)
- Lee McGuigan — "Automating the Audience Commodity: The Unacknowledged Ancestry of Programmatic Advertising"
- Chloé Nurik — "Prioritizing Power Over Empowerment: The Rapid Rise and Imminent Fall of Femvertising"
Popular Communication at the Edge: Nationalizing Media in a New Era of Populist Politics (Cabinet Room)
- Stanislav Budnitsky — "Moscow Calling: Patriotic Pranking in the Age of Putin"
The Effects of Opinion Diversity (Georgetown West)
- Damon Centola (presented by Joshua Becker) — "The Wisdom of Partisan Crowds"
9:30 – 12:15
EXTENDED SESSION: Queer Digital Cultures: Identities, Communities, and Counter-Conducts (Columbia 12)
- Jessa Lingel — "Dazzle Camouflage as Queer Counter Conduct"
11:00 – 12:15
Media Power and Racial Capitalism: The Lasting Legacy of Cedric Robinson’s Black Marxism (Columbia 6)
- John L. Jackson, Jr. — Discussant
Rethinking East and West Thirty Years After the Fall of the Berlin Wall (Cabinet Room)
- Barbie Zelizer — Discussant
High Density: Hearts and Minds: New Pathways to Environmental Persuasion (Monroe)
- Hang Lu — "Attitude Toward 'Scary Victims': Exploring the Order Effects of Emotion-Inducing Messages About Conservation"
Radical Pedagogies and Identity Formation (Jay)
- Rosemary Clark-Parsons — Chair
12:30 – 1:45
Health Narratives and Conversations as Sense-Making Mechanisms (Embassy)
- Samira Rajabi — "The Search for Meaning: Memetic Logics and Making Sense of Trauma in Digital Space"
Mobile Effects (Columbia 8)
- Aaron Shapiro — "Managed Flexibility: Operations Management and Worker Control in the On-Demand Economy"
Navigating Power Online: Self-Expression, Repression and Survival (International Ballroom – East)
- Julia Ticona — "Reconceptualizing Worker Voice: Online Occupational Communities in Precarious Work"
Communication Praxis and Authoritarian Regimes (Van Ness)
- Celeste Wagner — Discussant
14:00 – 15:15
Transnational Implications of #MeToo (Cardozo)
- Rosemary Clark-Parsons — "'I See You, I Believe You, I Stand with You': #MeToo and the Performance of Networked Feminist Visibility"
- Chloé Nurik — "From #MaybeHeDoesntHitYou to #MeToo: Femtags, Testimonials of Trauma, and the Rhetorical Strategies of Feminist Protest"
Trends in Advertising and Media Coverage of E-Cigarettes (Columbia 5)
- Kwanho Kim, Laura Gibson, Sharon Williams, and Robert C. Hornik — "Automated Coding of E-cigarette and Other Tobacco Product Valence in Long-form and Social Media: The Effects of Product, Source, and Time"
- Leeann Siegel, Allyson Volinsky, and Laura Gibson — "Do Longitudinal Trends in Tobacco 21-Related Media Coverage Correlate with Policy Support? An Exploratory Analysis using Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning Methods"
- Robert C. Hornik, Laura Gibson, Allyson Volinsky, Sharon Williams, and Ava Kikut — "Consistency of Messages across Media Sources for Tobacco and Electronic Cigarettes over 36 Months: Evidence for a Public Communication Environment"
How Far Have We Come? Public Relations Theory Building and Development (Cabinet Room)
- Alvin Zhou — Respondent
15:30 – 16:45
ICA Annual Awards and Presidential Address (International Ballroom - Center)
17:00 – 18:15
Political Communication Interactive Poster Session (International Terrace)
- John Remensperger — "From Practicing Democracy to Protest: The California Bernie Sanders Delegation"
ICA Fellows Panel II: ICA Fellows' Reflections on the Field and the Future (Columbia 6)
- Michael Delli Carpini — Respondent
Monday, May 27
8:00 – 9:15
Beyond Text Analysis: Combining Text, Network, and Image Analysis Techniques (International Ballroom – Center)
- Yotam Ophir (presented by Dror Walter) — "A Multi-Method Approach for Identifying and Grouping Frame Elements With Topic Modeling and Network Analysis"
Space and Material Practices of Protest (Gunston)
- Elisabetta Ferrari — Chair
9:30 – 10:45
Biological Mechanisms in Message Processing (Columbia 6)
- Rui Pei, Robert C. Hornik, and Emily Falk (presented by Elissa Kranzler) — "Message-Elicited Brain Response Moderates Relationship between Opportunities for Exposure to Anti-Smoking Messages and Message Recall"
Biology, Politics, and Morality (Monroe)
- Prateekshit Pandey — "Neural Correlates of Political Efficacy: Brain Activity in Response to Civic Information Associated with Political Efficacy"
Challenging Boundaries: Exiled Media and Transformations of Journalistic Practices in At-Risk Areas (Columbia 12)
- Natacha Yazbeck — "Exile or Death: On the Interplay between Seeing and Being Seen in Contemporary Coverage of Yemen and Syria"
Computational Approaches to Health Communication (Holmead)
- Sijia Yang (presented by Jingwen Zhang) — "First Step Towards an Automated Personalized Persuasive Conversational System: Investigating Moderating Effects of Psychological Factors"
Reconsidering the Nature of News Consumption in a Changing Media Environment (Georgetown East)
- Celeste Wagner (presented by Pablo J. Boczkowski) — "Angry, Frustrated, and Overwhelmed: The Emotional Experience of Consuming News about President Trump"
Saving Opinion Leaders from Retirement: Fresh Perspectives on a Classic Concept (Lincoln East)
- Sandra González-Bailón — "Opinion Leaders and Digital News Diets"
Soft Power Interventions: A Critical Perspective from Global Communications Studies (Embassy)
- Marwan Kraidy — Chair
11:00 – 12:15
Approaches to Detecting and Addressing Misinformation about Health Issues (Columbia 5)
- Erin Maloney — Chair
- Stefanie Gratale, Erin Maloney, Yotam Ophir, and Joseph N. Cappella — "Inoculating Against Health Misinformation: An Application to Misleading Cigarette Advertising"
- Erin Maloney, Stefanie Gratale, and Joseph N. Cappella — "Belief Echoes in Corrective Advertising: Testing Enhanced Correctives to Debunk Tobacco-Related Misinformation"
Celebrity and Fandom (Lincoln East)
- Do Eon (Donna) Lee and Sean Fischer — "Who Pays Celebrities Any Attention?"
Communication Law & Policy: Communications Beyond Boundaries (Monroe)
- David Elliot Berman — "The Net Neutrality Consensus: Identifying Blindspots in the Net Neutrality Debate"
Great Ideas For Teaching (GIFTs) (International Ballroom – East)
- Stefanie Gratale (presented by Angeline Sangalang) — "GIFTS: Public Speaking 'Infinity War'"
National Inflections and Religious Motifs in Visual Discourses across News Coverage, Social Media, and Public Space (Gunston)
- Yasemin Y. Celikkol — "15 July Blood Sacrifice: Erasing the Muddled Boundaries of Islam and Nationalism in Turkey"
Portrayals of Health Issues in News Media (Columbia 6)
- Leeann Siegel, Laura Gibson, and Robert C. Hornik (presented by Jiaying Liu) — "Converging or Diverging? A Cross-platform Study of Media Representations of Dynamic Descriptive Norms Through Automated and Crowdsourced Content Analysis"
12:30 – 13:45
Activism, Communication and Social Justice Interactive Poster Session (International Terrace)
- Ryan Tsapatsaris — "The Medium is the Method: Pseudonymity and Communal Labor on 4chan’s Threads"
Communication History Interactive Poster Session (International Terrace)
- Elisabetta Ferrari — "Bodies that Matter, Bodies that Don’t: Selective Disembodiment in the Early Wired Magazine (1993-1997)"
Information Systems Interactive Poster Session (International Terrace)
- Douglas Guilbeault (presented by Joshua Becker) — "The Crowd Classification Problem"
14:00 – 15:15
Hashtag Activism (DuPont)
- Guobin Yang — Chair
Igniting a TON (Technology, Organizing, and Networks) of Insights: Recognizing the Contributions of Janet Fulk and Peter Monge in Shaping the Future of Communication Research (Columbia 5)
- Joseph N. Cappella and Sandra González-Bailón — Respondents
Identity and Difference in Interpersonal Interaction (Georgetown West)
- Yoona Kang and Emily Falk — "Neural Mechanisms of Attitude Change toward Stigmatized Individuals: Temporoparietal-Striatal Functional Connectivity Predicts Bias Reduction"
Normalizing the Unnatural: Discursive and Political Contestation Over Micro and Macrostructures of "The Market" (Columbia 10)
- Victor Pickard — Chair
- Victor Pickard — "Journalism’s Market Ontology: How We Naturalize Commercial Media"
- Jessa Lingel — "Craigslist, Platform Politics and the Informal Economy"
- Lauren Bridges — "The Information Battlefield: Entanglements of Capital, Policy, and Discourse and the JEDI Cloud Contract"
Visual Strategies in Museum Communication Research (Tenleytown East)
- Monroe Price — "Museology, Propaganda and Contemporary Exhibitions"
Infrastructure, Culture and Critique: Global Communication for Social Change (Columbia 7)
- Jasmine Erdener — "Infrastructure in the Jungle: Mobilizing Infrastructure in the Refugee Camps of Calais and along the U.S.-Mexico Border"
15:30 – 16:45
Best of Information Systems (Kalorama)
- Soojong Kim — "Directionality of Information Flow and Echoes without Chambers"
Factors Influencing Health Messages Processing (Tenleytown West)
- Natalie Herbert, Sijia Yang, Yotam Ophir, and Joseph N. Cappella (presented by Qingua Yang) — "More is Less? Interaction Effects between Conflicting Recommendations and Information Avoidance on Confusion about E-cigarettes"
Public Relations Division Faculty Top Papers (Columbia 6)
- Alvin Zhou — "Expanding and Repositioning the 'Ease of Interface' Dialogic Principle: The Role of Affordances in Digital Dialogue and Engagement"
Theorizing the Gig Economy (Lincoln East)
- Julia Ticona — Co-Chair
- Julia Ticona — "The Meaning of Measures: A Feminist Approach to Online Markets for Care"
Top Papers in Global Communication and Social Change (Lincoln West)
- Heather Jaber — "Tricksters on Television: Reviving Female Transgression through the Musalsal"
Top Papers in Mobile Communication (Holmead)
- Muira McCammon — "Tinder Passport and Grindr Explore: Traveling in the International Date-O-Sphere"
CSaB Multi-Session 1) Best Practices Panel, 2) Research Escalators, and 3) Mentoring Session (Georgetown East)
- Jennifer R. Henrichsen — Respondent
- Prateekshit Pandey — Discussant
17:00 – 18:15
Data, Diversity, and the Multifaceted Roles of Journalists and News Users [Works in Progress] (Columbia 12)
- Tian Yang, Subhayan Mukherjee, and Sandra González-Bailón (presented by Silvia Majo-Vazquez) — "Inequality in Online News Consumption across Time: A Comparison of 23 Countries"
Flipping the Imaginary: How Audiences Imagine Industries, and Why it Matters for Media Industry Studies (Tenleytown East)
- Emily Hund — "Imagining the Influencer Economy"
Tuesday, May 28
8:00 – 9:15
Black Queer TV Across Production, Representation, and Reception (Columbia 7)
- John L. Jackson, Jr. — Discussant
Media Coverage and Attributions Regarding Health Topics (Columbia 5)
- Natalie Herbert — "Measuring Conflict in E-Cigarette Coverage: Content Analysis of U.S. News Stories about E-Cigarettes, 2017-2018"
The Social Life of the Brain: Norms and Networks (Van Ness)
- Bruce Doré, Elisa Baek, and Emily Falk — "Information Virality is Reflected in a Distributed Neural Representation of Value"
- Matthew Brook O’Donnell and Emily Falk (presented by Chris Cascio) — "Neural Correlates of Social Norms"
- Rui Pei and Emily Falk (presented by Chris Cascio) — "Are Neural Mechanisms Associated with Social Feedback and Conformity Different among Teens and Young Adults?"
- Emily Falk and Matthew Brook O’Donnell (presented by Steven Tompson) — "Response Inhibition in Adolescents is Moderated by Brain Connectivity and Social Network Structure"
- Rui Pei, Nina Lauharatanahirun, Matthew Brook O’Donnell, and Emily Falk — "Neural Activity during Risky Decision Making Reflects Online Social Network Clustering Structure"
- Nina Lauharatanahirun, Matthew Brook O’Donnell, and Emily Falk — "Social Influence Shapes Neurobehavioral Correlates of Risky Driving Performance"
9:30 – 10:45
Blue Sky Workshop: Multi-modal Research in Communication (Tenleytown West)
- John L. Jackson, Jr. — Chair
Gender Work, Gender Play (Jay)
- John Vilanova — "'I'm Not the Drummer’s Girlfriend': Merch Girls, Tour's Misogynist Mythos, and the Gendered Dynamics of Live Music’s Backline Labor"
Natural Disasters And Risk Communication Across Boundaries (Shaw)
- Kathleen Hall Jamieson (presented by Robert B. Lull) — "Modeling Risk Perceptions, Benefit Perceptions, and Approval of Releasing Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes as a Response to Zika Virus"
Political Media Effects in a Digital Era (Jefferson West)
- Yphtach Lelkes — "Political Persuasion and Pop-ups: Using the Browser as a Tool for Political Persuasion"
Simulation Studies of Communication (Kalorama)
- Soojong Kim — Chair
- Soojong Kim (presented by Poong Oh) — "An Evolutionary Model of the Emergence of Meanings"
- Soojong Kim — "Chambers without Echoes: Computational and Experimental Evidence on Information Propagation in Homogeneous Networks"
Community and Alternative Media Practices (Tenleytown East)
- Jasmine Erdener — Chair
11:00 – 12:15
Publics and Counter-Public (Tenleytown East)
- Guobin Yang — Chair
From Tweets to Torture Documents: Government Media, Censorship, and Transparency in the Age of Digitally Networked Information (Gunston)
- Daniel Grinberg — "Black Sites and Black Boxes: The Gina Haspel Hearings, Torture Documents, and the Limits to Freedom of Information"
- Muira McCammon — "Government Institutions and Information Disappearance: Deletion on U.S. Federal Defense and Intelligence Agency Twitter Feeds"
Gender Issues of Online Interaction (Fairchild)
- Yilang Peng (presented by Volha Murashka) — "Fitspiration on Instagram: Identifying Topic Clusters in Comments to Posts Characterizing Different Genders"
Platformization in Media Production and Distribution (Georgetown West)
- Emily Hund (presented by Caitlin Petre) — "'Gaming the System'? The Politics of Algorithmic Manipulation in Digital Cultural Production"
- Opeyemi Akanbi — "The Hidden Curriculum of Lateral Surveillance and Human Black Boxes"
12:30 – 13:45
Closing Plenary: The Future is Bright, the Future is... News Media Beyond its Current Boundaries (International Ballroom)
- Barbie Zelizer — Discussant
14:00 – 15:15
New Insights on Digital Public Spheres (Morgan)
- Alvin Zhou and Yphtach Lelkes (presented by Kokil Jaidka) — "The Effect of Technological Affordances on the Online Political Sphere: The Case of the Twitter Character Limit Switch"
Novel Strategies to Influence Children and Adolescent Risk Behaviors (DuPont)
- Yotam Ophir, Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Daniel Romer, and Patrick Jamieson — "Counteracting the Effect of Pro-Tobacco YouTube Videos on Adolescents - The Potential of Text-based and Counter-Narrative Interventions and the Role of Identification"
Trump and Twitter Communication (Georgetown East)
- Hye-Yon Lee (presented by Eun-Ju Lee) — "To Err Is Human?: Ironic Effects of Politicians' Twitter Blunders via Perceived Authenticity of Twitter Communication"
Wednesday, May 29
13:00 – 16:30
POSTCONFERENCE: Badass Ladies of Communication (Offsite – Northwestern University DC office)
- Barbie Zelizer — Participant