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A Major NIH Grant Will Help Researchers Study Messaging About Risks of Tobacco Products

The NIH and FDA have awarded $9.6 million to Annenberg School for Communication researchers to study health communication messaging about varying risks of tobacco products.


Annenberg Presentations at ICA 2022

The International Communication Association will be hosting a hybrid conference this year with the in-person sessions in Paris.


New Institute Seeks A Remedy for Medical Misinformation

The Penn Medical Communication Research Institute brings together interdisciplinary researchers with a mission to improve medical communication and health literacy.


Annenberg Presentations at ICA 2021

We’ve compiled a helpful list of all presentations being given by Annenberg authors.


Annenberg Presentations at NCA 2019

We've compiled a helpful list of all presentations being given by Annenberg authors.


Annenberg Presentations at ICA 2019

We've compiled a helpful list of all presentations being given by Annenberg authors.


Pictorial Warning Messages on Cigarette Packs Are Most Effective When Diseased Body Parts and Testimonials Are Included, New Study Finds

Researchers analyzed over 300 pictorial warning labels to determine which features are most effective at getting smokers to quit.

Faculty News

Annenberg Faculty and Alumni Join "Journal of Communication" Editorial Board

Numerous Annenberg alumni and current faculty are helping to guide the prestigious journal.

Faculty News

Annenberg Faculty Receives Grant for Tobacco Regulatory Science Research

Professor Joseph Cappella will oversee a project on "reduced harm" tobacco products.


New Study Finds Visuals of Vaping in E-Cigarette Advertisements Increase Anti-Vaping Beliefs and Policy Opinions

When vaping portrayals are reminiscent of cigarette smoking, viewers are likely to form negative opinions of vaping.