Annenberg Presentations at NCA 2019
We've compiled a helpful list of all presentations being given by Annenberg authors.

Photo Credit: ActionVance / Unsplash
Eight Annenberg faculty members and graduate students will present at the National Communication Association’s 105th Annual Convention, to be held November 14-17 in Baltimore. The presentations are listed below, along with locations.
Thursday, November 14
The Effects and Prevention of Smoking, Vaping, and Chewing (Hilton Baltimore, Key Ballroom 12)
- Joseph N. Cappella — “Effects of Exposure to Vaping Cues in First-Generation and Other-Generation E-Cigarette Advertisements on Daily and Former Smokers’ Urge, Intentions, and Perceptions”
Examinations of Regionalism and Discriminatory Ideologies (Baltimore Convention Center, Room 335)
- Mohammed Salih — “Saviors are Coming in the Film: Iran, IS and Regional Hegemony”
Understanding the Importance of Perception in Different Political Communication Contexts (Baltimore Convention Center, Room 343)
- María Celeste Wagner — “The Reception of Fake News: The Interpretations and Practices that Shape the Consumption of Perceived Misinformation”
Friday, November 15
Rhetorics of Survival within a Trump Presidency (Hilton Baltimore, Key Ballroom 10)
- Jeanna Sybert — “Donald Trump’s Rhetoric of Crisis and Blame in the 2019 Oval Office Address”
(Post)Human Tensions (Hilton Baltimore, Douglass Room)
- Andrew Wirzburger — “Whose Perspective? The Productive Censorship of A.I.-Assisted Comment Moderation”
Fifty Years of Student Speech: Student Activism from Tinker to Parkland (Hilton Baltimore, Tubman Room)
- Carolyn Marvin — Presenter
Saturday, November 16
Communities of Survival: Applied Communication and Experiences in a Diverse Collection of Groups (Baltimore Convention Center, Room 342)
- Soojong Kim — “Network Backfire Effect: Enhanced Network Heterogeneity Can Exacerbate Perceived Information Bias in Social Media”
Embodying and Materializing Burkean Rhetoric (Hilton Baltimore, Blake Room)
- Kinjal Dave — "Technologizing the Imaginative: Rhetorical and Material Consequences of CT Scanners in Hospitals"
Sunday, November 17
The Adoption and Effectiveness of Technology-Based Health Promotion (Hilton Baltimore, Key Ballroom 6)
- Kwanho Kim — “Applying the Integrative Model of Behavioral Prediction to Identify Predictors of Health Apps Use”