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From Research to Fiction: How David Lydon-Staley Merges Academia and Creativity

Assistant Professor David Lydon-Staley discusses his passion for writing, both inside the research lab and outside of it.


How Everyday Stress Impacts Cigarette Smoking

Second-year Gabriella Jean worked at the AHA! Lab over the summer on a research project examining the association between everyday life stressors and cigarette smoking.


Collaborating to Advance Health Communication

As a generation of pioneering scholars retired, several new hires are working together to continue Annenberg’s legacy as a leader in Health Communication.

Graduate Student News

The Annenberg School Welcomes Eight New Ph.D. Students in Its 2023 Cohort

On Monday, the Annenberg School for Communication proudly welcomed its newest cohort of doctoral students. The eight students in our...


Annenberg Researchers Receive Medical Communication Grants

One-year grants of $50,000 each were awarded to projects addressing the communication of medical information.

Doctoral Students Take Part in Community-Engaged Research Mentorship Program

This summer, doctoral students Danielle Clark and Darin Johnson gained hands-on research experience working in the Philadelphia community.


Moving Away from ‘Average,’ Toward the Individual

In a course from Prof. David Lydon-Staley, seven graduate students applied an “n of 1” methodology to better capture the nuances of a diverse population.


Women Are Under-Cited and Men Are Over-Cited in Communication

An analysis of citations in 14 Communication journals found that men are over-cited and women are under-cited, especially in papers authored by men.


Studying ‘Hunters and Busybodies,’ Researchers Measure Different Types of Curiosity

Their analysis opens doors for using curiosity as a tool to improve learning and life satisfaction.

Faculty News

AHA! Lab Studies How Daily Moments Impact Long-Term Behavior

The Addiction, Health, and Adolescence Lab is led by Professor David Lydon-Staley.