Ryan Tsapatsaris

Ryan Tsapatsaris, Ph.D.

Ryan Tsapatsaris
  • Upcoming Graduate

Ryan Tsapatsaris is an upcoming graduate at the Annenberg School for Communication. He holds graduate degrees in American Studies, Liberal Arts, and Communication.  Ryan currently has two projects under review: an analysis of the “platform counterpublics” that contest the corporate discourses of Care.com and a methods framework for analyzing temporally and medium-dissimilar subaltern media artifacts.

Ryan’s dissertation research focuses on intellectual conflict and the role of social media, institutions, and critical theory within these conflicts.  

As a hobby, Ryan sells Beanie Babies online (is it 1998?). He has fully accepted that, inevitably, this will lead to a future research project.


  • B.A., University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2011
  • M.A., University of Massachusetts Boston, 2015
  • M.Phil., University of Pennsylvania, 2017
  • A.M., University of Pennsylvania, 2019