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Mapping How People Get Their (Political) News

New data visualizations from the Computational Social Science Lab show how Americans consume news.


The YouTube Algorithm Isn’t Radicalizing People

A new study from the Computational Social Science Lab finds that the YouTube recommendation system is less influential on users’ political views than is commonly believed.


Radicalization at a Glance: Penn Media Accountability Project Launches Interactive Data Dashboard

As part of its Penn Media Accountability Project (PennMAP), the Computational Social Science Lab launches the first in a series of interactive data visualizations designed to make their research accessible and engaging.


TV News Top Driver of Political Echo Chambers in U.S.

Duncan Watts and colleagues found that 17% of Americans consume television news from partisan left- or right-leaning sources compared to just 4% online.


What Big Data Reveals About Online Extremism

Homa Hosseinmardi and her colleagues at Penn’s Computational Social Science Lab studied browsing data from 300,000 Americans to gain insights into how online radicalization occurs — and to help develop solutions.


Duncan Watts Launches Computational Social Science Lab

The new Computational Social Science Lab aims to thrive on mass collaboration and open science.