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CARGC Focus on Connecting Global Scholars Drives Its Future Goals

Scholars who bring an insider eye to global communication are an important focus for the center.

Undergraduate News

Communication Major Nick Joyner (C’19) Wins Thouron Award

The award will allow him to study Visual Anthropology at Goldsmiths, University of London.


New Democracy & Information Group Studies Political Communication

The newly established working group is led by Professor Yphtach Lelkes.


Jin Woo Kim Named 2019-21 George Gerbner Postdoctoral Fellow

His work focuses how people are affected by political (mis)information and how new media environments shape politics.

Data Artist and Doctoral Student Roopa Vasudevan Finds Creative Ways to Tell Untold Stories

She collects data about important issues and creates visually appealing ways to convey it to others.


Media, Inequality and Change Center Receives Lenfest Institute Grant

The grant will allow MIC to facilitate dialogue between Philadelphia’s leading journalists and public advocates.


Center for Advanced Research in Global Communication Releases CARGC Paper 10

The paper explores the conflation of hacktivism with cyber-terrorism that enables states to criminalize non-violent hackers.

Faculty News

Duncan Watts Appointed Penn Integrates Knowledge University Professor

He is jointly appointed in the School of Engineering, the Annenberg School, and the Wharton School.

Undergraduate News

The Annenberg School Welcomes Five New Undergraduate Lecturers for Spring 2019

Sam Chan, Rayya El Zein, Eytan Gilboa, Daniel Grinberg, and Lee McGuigan will offer courses in their areas of expertise.