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Center for Advanced Research in Global Communication Releases CARGC Paper 13 by Stanislav Budnitsky

Budnitksy considers the cultural logics underlying Russia’s global internet governance agenda.

Graduate Student News

Do Liberals Make Moral Connections Through Pop Culture?

Doctoral candidate Megan Genovese studies the intersections of politics and popular culture.


Exploring Cryptocurrency and Blockchain in Iceland

A virtual reality film, photo series, and soundscape document the effect the industry is having on natural resources and people.

Call for Submissions

Call for Submissions: Social Media, Algorithms, News, and Public Engagements in the Asia-Pacific and Beyond

Submissions should examine social media and algorithms in connection to the changing practices in news production and circulation.


Brevity is the Soul of Twitter: 280-Character Limit Makes Twitter More Civil

Professor Yphtach Lelkes analyzed tweets from before and after Twitter implemented the increased character limit.


Cell-Mostly Internet Users Place Privacy Burden on Themselves

Participants lacked understanding of how near-constant mobile internet use potentially compounds other inequalities in their lives.


New Center to Focus on Digital Culture and Society

Led by Professor Guobin Yang, the new center will consider the merger of the digital and the physical.


When You Watch Online Porn, Who Is Watching You?

A new study found that 93% of pornography websites are sending user data to at least one third party.

Call for Submissions

Stories of Digital Radicals: Call for Submissions

Submissions should illustrate a vision for a radical approach to digital technologies.

Faculty News

Are Union Nurses Feminists?

Professor Jessa Lingel studies the tensions between feminism and union organizing among nurses.