Center for Advanced Research in Global Communication Releases CARGC Paper 13 by Stanislav Budnitsky
Budnitksy considers the cultural logics underlying Russia’s global internet governance agenda.

The Center for Advanced Research in Global Communication at the Annenberg School for Communication is proud to present CARGC Paper 13, “Toward a Cultural Framework of Internet Governance: Russia’s Great Power Identity and the Quest for a Multipolar Digital Order,” by CARGC Postdoctoral Fellow Stanislav Budnitsky.
Initially delivered as a CARGC Colloquium in 2018, and part of Budnitsky’s larger research project on the relationship between nationalism and global internet governance, CARGC Paper 13 considers the cultural logics underlying Russia’s global internet governance agenda. It argues that to understand Russia’s digital vision in the early twenty-first century and, by extension, the dynamics of global internet politics writ large, scholars must incorporate Russia’s historic self-identification as a great power into their analyses.

CARGC Director Marwan M. Kraidy notes in his introduction, “Methodologically, CARGC Paper 13 shows how analytically centering cultural factors such as Russia’s great power identity generates more nuanced understandings of the logics and rhetoric at play in states’ internet governance normative visions. This provides an interesting blueprint for future internet governance research more attuned to cultural and socio-historical dimensions of digital policy.”
Budnitsky’s work explores the relationship between culture, global communication, and digital technologies across internet governance, public diplomacy, and nation branding, among other domains. He received his Ph.D. in 2018 from the School of Journalism and Communication at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. He has presented his research at a number of conferences, including the International Communication Association, the International Association for Media and Communication Research, and the International Studies Association. Budnitsky’s academic writings have appeared in the European Journal of Cultural Studies, International Journal of Communication, and an edited collection The Net and the Nation-State from Cambridge University Press. He has held fellowships with the Summer Media Policy Institute at Oxford University, the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University, and the Stanford US-Russia Forum under the auspices of Stanford University. Prior to beginning his graduate studies, Budnitsky was a Russia-based media producer and writer.