
Find News

Stonecipher Wins 2017 Lesbian Caucus Award

Stonecipher studies the relationship between media depictions of lesbians and real-life presentations of self by lesbians.

Faculty News

Pickard and Yang Edit New Book, Media Activism in the Digital Age

The book includes case studies of feminist, technological, and political interventions.


Pearl Publishes New Book Face/On

Pearl uses a study of face transplants to explore why faces are so important to us.

Undergraduate News

Communication Major Tyler Burke Creates Documentary on Jewish Matchmaking

Burke's film explores both matchmakers and their modern online replacements in the world of Jewish dating.


#QIS2: The Second Queer Internet Studies Symposium Held at Penn

Co-organized by Jessa Lingel, #QIS2 was a space to envision what Queer Internet Studies might look like.


Aymar Jean Christian (Ph.D. ’12) Launches Web Series “Two Queens in a Kitchen” To Showcase LGBTQ Artists of Color

The series features artists, LGBTQ identifying individuals, and people of color discussing important social issues while making a healthy snack.


Gender Differences and Relationship Power Could be Key in Preventing HIV Among South African Adolescents

The researchers identified promising pathways to reduce IPV and help prevent HIV infection, including promoting gender equity as a social norm.