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Duncan Watts Launches Computational Social Science Lab

The new Computational Social Science Lab aims to thrive on mass collaboration and open science.

Faculty News

Sarah J. Jackson Wins NCA Diamond Anniversary Book Award

Sarah J. Jackson, Presidential Associate Professor and Co-Director of the Media, Inequality & Change Center in the Annenberg School for...

Faculty News

Annenberg Welcomes 21 New Research Staff, Visiting Scholars, and Postdoctoral Fellows

This accomplished group specializes in studying topics that include persuasive health messaging, Black feminism, media policy, and much more.


Americans’ Civics Knowledge Increases During a Stress-Filled Year

A growing number of Americans can name the branches of government and the freedoms under the First Amendment though many still misunderstand basic facts about how government works.


Study Examines Smoking Risk Factors and Prevention Among Transgender and Gender Expansive Adults

A new study aims to fill a critical research gap on effective, culturally sensitive approaches to smoking cessation among transgender and gender expansive individuals.


9/11, 20 Years Later

Barbie Zelizer joined experts across the University to share her thoughts on how 9/11 transformed her field, her research, and the world.


Annenberg Film “Emile” Accepted Into Two Film Festivals

The short film about peace and conflict researcher Emile Bruneau will feature in the Global Peace Film Festival and the Morehouse Human Rights Film Festival.

Jovanova and Woko Win 2021 Ackoff Fellowships

For the seventh year in a row, Annenberg doctoral students have won this fellowship from the Wharton School.


Misinformation on Twitter Adversely Affects Adults’ Health Decisions

A new study is the first to explore the effect of misinformation on Twitter about e-cigarette harms.


Coding the Emotions that Anti-tobacco Ads Evoke

Two sophomores interned this summer with Professor Andy Tan, designing and testing culturally appropriate anti-smoking campaigns for young women who identify as sexual minorities.