Alumni Bookshelf: Spring-Summer 2022
See what our alumni have been publishing!

On the first floor of the Annenberg building, just outside the graduate student offices, you’ll find some shelves containing recent volumes by our alumni. We’re proud to show off these significant achievements in their careers, though we realize not everyone can stop by the building.
With “Alumni Bookshelf,” we’re bringing the bookcase to you, sharing a handful of the most recent additions.
The books most recently added cover everything from the ubiquity of Amazon to feminist movements online:

In Buy Now: How Amazon Branded Convenience and Normalized Monopoly (The MIT Press), Emily West (Ph.D. '04) examines how Amazon as a brand grew so quickly and ended up inserting itself into so many aspects of our lives. West, an associate professor of communication at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, delves into how Amazon promotes the comfort and care of its customers (but not its workers) to become the ultimate service brand in the digital economy.

Rosemary Clark-Parsons (Ph.D. '18) tells the story of how activists have used media to reconfigure what feminist politics and organizing look like in the United States in Networked Feminism: How Digital Media Makers Transformed Gender Justice Movements (University of California Press). Clark-Parsons, Associate Director of Academic Platforms at Saxbys, is interested in how do-it-ourselves feminists do not rely on political organizations, institutions, or authorities, but instead use digital networks to build movements that reflect their values and meet the challenges of the current moment.
Congratulations, Emily and Rosemary!
Are you an Annenberg School alum with a new book or other news to share? Get in touch!