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Faculty News

The Dean Has Left the Building: Michael Delli Carpini Heads into Retirement

Delli Carpini reflects back on his 19-year tenure at Annenberg and looks to the future.


Intervention Video from the Peace and Conflict Neuroscience Lab Wins Stanford University’s Strengthening Democracy Challenge

The video reduced anti-democratic attitudes, support for partisan violence, and partisan animosity among 32,000 Americans.


What Makes Us Share Posts on Social Media?

A new study reveals that we share the social media posts that we think are the most relevant to ourselves or to our friends and family.


Child Care Gig Workers Are Getting Scammed. Why Aren’t the Platforms Where Scammers Lurk Doing More About It?

Professor Julia Ticona spoke to domestic gig workers about the scams they face on the platforms where they find work and how they help one another avoid them.


Which Teens Are More Likely to Vape? Research Shows Surprising Patterns Across Race and Sexuality Groups

A new study aims to examine differences in current e-cigarette use prevalence among US youth at the intersections of sexual orientation with race and ethnicity.


Alumni Bookshelf: Spring-Summer 2022

See what our alumni have been publishing!

Doctoral Students Take Part in Community-Engaged Research Mentorship Program

This summer, doctoral students Danielle Clark and Darin Johnson gained hands-on research experience working in the Philadelphia community.

Faculty News

How Ideologically Divided is the American Public?

The Polarization Research Lab, a new initiative from Prof. Yphtach Lelkes and colleagues at Dartmouth and Stanford, will work to answer that question.


New Polarization Research Lab to Study Political Animosity in the U.S.

To understand where partisan animosity comes from and what can be done to address it, researchers from the Annenberg School...

Faculty News

Health Communication Scholar Andy Tan Receives Tenure and Looks Ahead

In reaching this milestone, Andy Tan, Ph.D., M.P.H., M.B.A., M.B.B.S., takes stock of his years at Annenberg and discusses his ongoing work.