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Faculty News

Jackson, Kraidy, Price, and Yang Named ICA Fellows

ICA Fellows are chosen for their distinguished scholarly contributions to the field of Communication.


Annenberg Presentations at ICA 2020

We've compiled a helpful list of all presentations being given by Annenberg authors.


CDCS Digital Launch Embodies the Ascendant Influence of Digital Culture

The event highlighted new ways of thinking about digital technology and society.


Annenberg Researchers Shift Focus to Coronavirus

Topics include media consumption and misinformation, social media whistle blowers, partisanship, impact on workers, and more.


New Center to Focus on Digital Culture and Society

Led by Professor Guobin Yang, the new center will consider the merger of the digital and the physical.


Annenberg Presentations at IAMCR 2019

We've compiled a helpful list of all presentations being given by Annenberg authors.


Annenberg Presentations at ICA 2019

We've compiled a helpful list of all presentations being given by Annenberg authors.


Annenberg Presentations at ICA 2018

We've compiled a helpful list of all presentations being given by Annenberg authors.

Call for Submissions

Call for Papers: Symposium on Communication, Ecology, and Cultural Heritage

Papers should focus on the intersections of media and communication technologies with ecology and cultural heritage.

Call for Papers: ICA Preconference on Data and Publics

Submit papers that critically rethink the meaning and practices of publics and public communication.