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Call for Submissions

Call for Artists: Present Futures - Experiments in Feminist Futurity

A contemporary art exhibition envisioning feminist solidarities across space and time, in everyday life, with an outlook towards “the future we want to see, right now, in the present”

Call for Submissions

Llamado de Artistas: Present Futures - Experiments in Feminist Futurity

Una exposición de arte contemporáneo que visualiza las solidaridades feministas a través del espacio y el tiempo, en la vida cotidiana, con una mirada hacia el futuro que queremos ver, ahora mismo, en el presente


The Center for Advanced Research in Global Communication Welcomes New Postdoctoral Fellow

Sima Kokotović will join the Annenberg School in the fall.


Abortion, Not Inflation, Directly Affected Congressional Voting in 2022

Contrary to the conventional wisdom that Americans are “pocketbook voters,” views on abortion and the Supreme Court are more likely to sway voters today.

Undergraduate News

A Comm Major’s Journey from Pop Culture to Free Speech to Networked Technology and Beyond 

Anika Gururaj (C’24) followed her intellectual curiosity throughout her time at Penn, and will soon be off to Harvard Law School.


No Vacations, No Sleep, but Good Journalism: What It’s Like To Start a Nonprofit Newsroom

A new study explores the working conditions of journalists who leave commercial journalism to start digital-first nonprofit news outlets.

Proust, Smith, and Truss Win 2024 James D. Woods Award

The award recognizes Annenberg graduate students for outstanding teaching.


Largest Quantitative Synthesis to Date Reveals What Predicts Human Behavior and How to Change It

Prof. Dolores Albarracín and her team dug through years of research on the science behind behavior change to determine the best ways to promote changes in behavior.


Center for Information Networks and Democracy Workshop: Political and Information Networks

In 2024, CIND brought together a stellar group of interdisciplinary scholars to discuss research on information networks and their political impact.


New Postdoctoral Fellow to Join CDCS

Lucy March will join the Center on Digital Culture and Society in Fall 2024.