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CARGC Press Co-Publishes Special Section on “Mediating Islamic State” with International Journal of Communication

The articles suggest imaginative avenues to understand phenomena like Islamic State.


Center for Advanced Research in Global Communication Releases CARGC Paper 12 by Saskia Sassen

Sassen presents an analysis of cities as complex, diverse, and incomplete systems.

Call for Papers: Troubling Translation(s)

Graduate students are invited to submit papers that consider translation as concept, practice, and method.


The Annenberg School Welcomes 18 New Visiting Scholars and Postdoctoral Fellows

From media anthropology to the philosophy of technology, these scholars' work spans the field of Communication.


The Many Contradictions of China

Former CARGC postdoctoral fellow Maria Repnikova is fascinated by Chinese political communication.


Center for Advanced Research in Global Communication Releases CARGC Paper 11

Julia Becker (C'18) examines the American and Mexican political climates, immigration rhetoric, and street art as protest.


Center for Advanced Research in Global Communication Releases CARGC Briefs Volume I

The essays include some of the most innovative approaches to understanding Islamic State communication to date.


CARGC Focus on Connecting Global Scholars Drives Its Future Goals

Scholars who bring an insider eye to global communication are an important focus for the center.