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Policing the Digital Divide: How Racial Bias Can Limit Internet Access for People of Color

New research shows that the policing of nonviolent offenses, like loitering, restricts access to free WiFi, particularly for people of color.


Study Finds Surprising Source of Social Influence

Want to promote your new product or trigger a shift in thinking? Steer clear of the influencers.


The Panoptic Sort: Surveillance Q&A with Oscar Gandy

With the second edition of his classic 1993 book, The Panoptic Sort, recently published, we speak to Gandy about the past, present, and future of surveillance.


Having a Strong Life Purpose Eases the Loneliness of COVID-19 Isolation

Those who felt their life was guided by meaningful values or goals were more willing to engage in COVID-19 protective behaviors.


Correcting Misperceptions about — and Increasing Empathy for — Migrants

Americans dramatically overestimate the number of migrants affiliated with gangs and children being trafficked.


MIC Infographic: Raising the Bar for Journalism

A new infographic entitled “Raising the Bar for Journalism” and released by the Media, Inequality & Change Center (MIC) makes...


COVID-19 Conspiracy Beliefs Increased among Users of Conservative and Social Media

These increases in conspiracy beliefs were associated with less mask wearing and decreased intentions to get a vaccine.


Toward a Better Understanding of "Fake News"

Professor Duncan Watts published a framework for developing a comprehensive research agenda to study the origins, nature, and consequences of misinformation on democracy.


Vaccine Science and Side Effects: How News Messages Affect Views on Vaccination

News about vaccine safety increases public acceptance of vaccines, but less so when juxtaposed with a personal narrative about side effects.


Twitter Bots May Not Be as Influential as You Think

A new study from Professor Sandra González-Bailón found that verified media accounts are more central in the spread of information on Twitter than bots.