Kathleen Hall Jamieson Awarded American Philosophical Society Prize
The 2016 award recognizes her paper “Implications of the Demise of ‘Fact’ in Political Discourse."

Kathleen Hall Jamieson, director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center, was selected as the 2016 recipient of the American Philosophical Society's Henry Allen Moe Prize in recognition of her paper “Implications of the Demise of ‘Fact’ in Political Discourse.” She was presented with the award at the Society’s April Meeting on Friday, April 29, 2016.
The prize honors the author of a paper in humanities or jurisprudence read at a meeting of the Society, and is awarded annually. Jamieson’s award-winning paper was presented at the Society’s April 2013 meeting and was subsequently published in the March 2015 Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society.
Her article examines ways in which fact, and institutions that are “custodians of the knowable,” have come under partisan attack, and ways in which duplicitous advertising can undermine governance.
Past recipients of the Moe Prize include John W. O’Malley in 2013 for “The Council of Trent (1545-63) and Michelangelo’s Last Judgment (1541),” Patricia M. Wald in 2007 for “International Criminal Courts: Some Kudos and Concerns,” Jaroslav Pelikan in 1997 for “Greek Wisdom in New Rome,” and Nicholas deB. Katzenbach in 1988 for “Separation of Powers Now and Then.”
For more information and a link to the full publication, click here.
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Michael Rozansky
(215) 746-0202