Congratulations to Annenberg’s 2017 Graduates
Students were recognized for finishing their doctoral degrees or for completing their M.A. requirements.

Kate Zambon
On Monday, May 15, the Annenberg School for Communication held its annual graduation ceremony for doctoral students. The celebration honored nine graduate students who have earned or will soon earn their doctoral degrees in Communication.
The ceremony honored the following students, listed with their dissertation titles:
- Gretta Blackwell — "The Birth of a Princess: Boughetto, Popular Media, and the Shifting Boundaries of Black Middle-Class Femininity"
- Christopher N. Cascio — “The Neural Mechanisms of Conformity across Socioeconomic Status and Development"
- Deepti Chittamuru — "Persuasive Technologies in HIV Prevention: A Structural Intervention for African American Young Adults"
- Andrew M. Daniller — "Politics as Sport: The Effects of Partisan Media on Perceptions of Electoral Integrity"
- Timothy Libert — "Track the Planet: A Web-Scale Analysis of How Online Behavioral Advertising Violates Social Norms"
- Stella (Juhyun) Lee — "The Message as a Seed: Predicting the Diffusion of Smoking-related Discourse from Message Construal Level"
- Jiaying Liu — "Explicating A Mechanism of Descriptive Social Norm Perception Formation: Why Repeated Media Exposure Matters and How Much Must I Have Before I Conform?"
- Debora Lui — "Situating the 'Maker Movement': Tracing the Implementation of an Educational Trend Within Public Libraries"
- Kate Zambon — "Integration: The Cultural Politics of Migration and Nation in the New German Public"

Congratulations are also in order to the following Annenberg students who have earned their M.A. in Communication en route to the completion of their doctoral degrees.
- Leah Ferentinos
- Megan Genovese
- Stefanie Gratale
- Douglas Guilbeault
- Jennifer Henrichsen
- Soojong Kim
- Da Eun (Danny) Kim
- Helene Langlamet
- David Larochelle
- Subhayan Mukerjee
- Rui Pei
- Pawel (Paul) Popiel
- Revati Prasad
- John Remensperger
- Jazmyne Sutton