Gayoung Jeon

Gayoung Jeon

Gayoung Jeon
  • Doctoral Student

Gayoung Jeon's research focuses on the multifaceted nature of mis/disinformation across diverse media formats—textual, visual, and auditory—within the realm of hyper-politicized public communication in digital media.

Gayoung Jeon is a doctoral student at the Annenberg School for Communication, focusing on the complex nature of misinformation and disinformation across various media forms—textual, visual, and auditory—within hyper-politicized public communication in digital media. Methodologically, she specializes in computational and quantitative approaches to analyze multimodal information, including natural language processing, deep learning, LLM fine-tuning, and computer vision.

Her current research investigates the potent impact of visuals when combined with text, revealing how this combination engages users across multiple mediums and remains highly effective, even with baseless messages. Additionally, she is developing computational methods to study digital media data and exploring the societal impact of the increased prevalence of AI and automated content.


  • M.A., University of Texas at Austin, 2024