Cameron Moy

Cameron Moy

Cameron Moy
  • Doctoral Student

Cameron Moy’s research centers desperate impacts of digital platforms and technologies on communities of color. He employs a critical lens to promote accountability of and understanding between major players in the digital platform space.

Cameron Moy is a first year PhD student whose work employs mixed methods approaches to unpack disparate impacts of digital platforms and technologies on communities of color. Building on racial capitalism, power, and critical studies frameworks, Cameron aims to promote accountability of and understanding between major players in the digital platform space to ultimately imagine and realize a more equitable future. Cameron is a proud Michigander and looks to follow the wise words of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer as he embarks on his PhD: “Surround yourself with great people and don’t be afraid to ask for help.”

Prior to joining Annenberg, Cameron graduated from the University of Michigan School of Information. While completing his undergraduate, he engaged in a diverse array of research, collaborating with the Race and Data Justice Lab; Social Innovations Group; and Accountability, Non-Discrimination, Inclusion, and Employment Lab. His projects ranged from understanding the impacts of Yelp’s Black-owned attribute on Black-owned restaurants to disentangling Detroit residents’ perceptions of community safety and surveillance to imagining a society with community-based policing. Additional undergraduate experiences that have shaped Cameron’s research and life include singing with his a cappella group, Amazin’ Blue; leading projects with Michigan EcoData; and organizing various community outreach events with the Michigan Community Scholars Program. When he’s not working, you can find Cameron skiing, hiking, and/or singing.


  • B.S., University of Michigan, 2024

Selected Publications