Zhe Wang, Ph.D.

- Visiting Scholar, Center on Digital Culture and Society
- Associate Professor of Communication University of Zhejiang
Zhe Wang's research interests include platform studies, game studies and digital media studies, especially how these technological systems support and frame digital culture and connective action, and how the digital youth involved in turn repurpose the system vice versa.
Zhe Wang is an Associate Professor of Communication at the University of Zhejiang. In recent years, she has conducted empirical research on the distributed materiality of online audiovisual platforms, especially the role of infrastructures such as data centers, content distribution networks, and container technologies in supporting platform operations.
Her award-winning Chinese book, Dispositif of Body in the Networked Society: Exploring Embodied Online Actions of the “Digital Youth” (Zhejiang University Press, 2021), discusses the implication of the technological body in connective actions by using Chinese fandom as a case study. In her free time, she works on streaming films and webisodes and writes articles on media culture for leisure magazines.
- B.A., Tsinghua University, 2008
- M.Phil., City University of Hong Kong, 2010
- Ph.D, National Chengchi University, 2020