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Research in Brief: Perspectives of LGBTQ+ Youth on Anti-Vaping Messages in Social Media

To understand how to reduce vaping among LGBTQ+ youth, Annenberg researchers spoke to young Americans about anti-vaping messages on social media.


Annenberg Presentations and Events at ICA 2023

The International Communication Association will hold its 73rd annual conference in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Doctoral Students Take Part in Community-Engaged Research Mentorship Program

This summer, doctoral students Danielle Clark and Darin Johnson gained hands-on research experience working in the Philadelphia community.

Graduate Student News

Congratulations to Annenberg’s 2022 Ph.D. and M.A. Graduates

Eleven students earned their doctoral degrees, and 12 students received M.A. degrees.


Annenberg Presentations at ICA 2022

The International Communication Association will be hosting a hybrid conference this year with the in-person sessions in Paris.

Graduate Student News

The Annenberg School Welcomes Twelve New Doctoral Students

Due to the ongoing pandemic, our newest cohort of doctoral students joined the School virtually this fall.