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Graduate Student News

Doctoral Student Elisabetta Ferrari Studies Activism and Technology

Ferrari researches how social movements use digital technologies, and how activists think about technology personally and politically.

Faculty News

Falk Wins 2017 ICA Young Scholar Award

Awardees are selected based on the strength of their published work and the potential of future scholarship.


Jordan, Wilkins, and Nabi Inducted as ICA Fellows

These Annenberg alums were honored for their contributions to the field of Communication.

Faculty News

Kraidy Receives 2017 ICA Outstanding Book Award

The Naked Blogger of Cairo also won the best book award from the Global Communication Division.

Graduate Student News

Clark-Parsons and Stonecipher Win James D. Woods Award

The award recognizes Annenberg graduate students for outstanding teaching.


Seth Grossman (C'01) Delivers 2017 Annenberg Graduation Speech

Grossman reflected on his time at Annenberg and offered advice to graduates.

Undergraduate News

2017 Undergraduate Communication Major Award Winners

Nine graduating seniors were recognized for their outstanding accomplishments.

Graduate Student News

Congratulations to Annenberg’s 2017 Graduates

Students were recognized for finishing their doctoral degrees or for completing their M.A. requirements.

Faculty News

Intervening in Gang Violence

Columbia's interdisciplinary research team is using language processing and qualitative analysis of social media posts to develop a mechanism to identify and intervene in gang violence.


What Viewers Learned From the 2016 General Election Presidential Debates

Knowledge about some issues increased but judgments about who was qualified to be president didn't change.