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Center for Advanced Research in Global Communication Releases CARGC Paper 5 by Mimi Sheller

The paper is entitled, "On the Maintenance of Humanity: Learning from Refugee Mobile Practices."

Undergraduate News

New Program Brings Undergrads to China This Summer

Over 25 days in Beijing, students will study China’s media industries, institutions, and citizens’ everyday media practices.


Center for Advanced Research in Global Communication Releases CARGC Report 1

The study explores the potential of interactive voice response systems to engage citizens in peacebuilding in Rwanda.


Annenberg Launches Center for Advanced Research in Global Communication

Under the direction of Marwan Kraidy, the center is the first to study communication and globalization.

Faculty News

Emile Bruneau Meets With Dalai Lama Through United States Institute for Peace Delegation

Bruneau traveled to India to accompany a United States Institute of Peace delegation of 28 youth activists.


Project for Advanced Research in Global Communication Releases PARGC Paper 4 by Arjun Appadurai

"The Academic Digital Divide and Uneven Global Development" warns against the dangers of “knowledge-based imperialism and scholarly apartheid.”

Annenberg Student and Alumna Collaborate To Crowdsource Book Translation

Weiyu Zhang (Ph.D '08) and doctoral student Kecheng Fang collaborated on the Chinese translation of The Internet and New Social Formation in China: Fandom Publics in the Making.


New Book by Marwan Kraidy: The Naked Blogger of Cairo

Kraidy's 10th book explores the creative insurgency behind the Arab Spring: its self-immolations, graffiti, puppetry, videos, slogans, and satire.


New Book by Guobin Yang Explores the Red Guard Generation in China

Yang explores what happened to the "sent-down" generation and how their experiences shaped China for decades to come.