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People Who Don't Read the News Are Better at Predicting Which Articles Will Go Viral, Study Finds

The researchers analyzed the brain responses of 40 people as they read article headlines.


Center for Advanced Research in Global Communication Releases CARGC Paper 9

Samira Rajabi examines the 2017 travel ban as a traumatic experience and its digital mediation.


Educational Program Successful at Reducing Forced Sex in South African Adolescents

Given to sixth graders, the 12 hour program had effects lasting for at least four years.

Undergraduate News

Annenberg in Washington Program Supports Communication Majors Interning in Washington, D.C.

Students interned at Quorum, NCTA, the State Department, Pew Research Center, and more.


Carlin Romano Named Inaugural Free Speech Fellow by University of California

The fellowship includes several speaking engagements and a $20,000 honorarium.

Faculty News

Culture and Technology Scholar Julia Ticona Studies the Promise and Perils of the Gig Economy

Ticona begins today as an assistant professor of communication at the Annenberg School.

Faculty News

Professors González-Bailón and Mutz to Participate in Research Partnership with Facebook

González-Bailón and Mutz will advise how data might be divided into subsets for further study.


Alarm and Response for Emerging Health Threats: Social Media, News and Zika

Traditional news accounts and Twitter messages had different associations with risk perceptions and behavior during the 2016 U.S. Zika virus outbreak.


Center for Advanced Research in Global Communication Releases CARGC Paper 8

Rayya El Zein develops an approach to aesthetics in cultural production from the vantage of global media studies.

Faculty News

Desmond Patton Receives Award from the Society for Social Work and Research

The Early Career Achievement Award recognizes the beginning of Dr. Patton's research career in the field of social work.