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Graduate Student News

Herbert Named 2020 Mirzayan Fellow at National Academies

She will study science and technology policy and the role that scientists and engineers play in advising the nation.

Faculty News

Network Dynamics Scholar Damon Centola Promoted to Full Professor

He is radically changing the way we understand longstanding sociological and communication issues.


Building Solidarity among Gig Workers through Digital Organizing

A new MIC Center report offers recommendations for activists and policymakers.

Faculty News

Delli Carpini Named to Leadership for Paideia Program at Penn

The new undergraduate program focuses on wellness, service, and citizenship.


Annenberg Presentations at NCA 2019

We've compiled a helpful list of all presentations being given by Annenberg authors.


Donald Trump’s Election Did Not Increase Political Polarization

America is no doubt polarized, but new research finds it is no more so now than prior to 2016.

Graduate Student News

Eleven New Doctoral Students Join the Annenberg School

Learn about where they’ve lived, their previous work experience, and what they study.


Health Care Podcast Tradeoffs to Launch at Penn

Exploring our confusing, costly, and often counterintuitive health care system.

Call for Papers: Troubling Translation(s)

Graduate students are invited to submit papers that consider translation as concept, practice, and method.