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Donald Trump’s Election Did Not Increase Political Polarization

America is no doubt polarized, but new research finds it is no more so now than prior to 2016.


Americans’ Civics Knowledge Increases But Still Has a Long Way to Go

This year more Americans can name the three branches of government.

Jamieson’s Doctoral Students Meet Power Players in Washington, D.C.

The course focuses on the role of rhetoric in politics, elections, and government.

Undergraduate News

Undergraduate Research Project Awarded Penn’s Shah Family Prize

Hadeel Saab (C’20) and Anna Waldzinska (C’20) are researching how to increase voter turnout.


New Democracy & Information Group Studies Political Communication

The newly established working group is led by Professor Yphtach Lelkes.

Data Artist and Doctoral Student Roopa Vasudevan Finds Creative Ways to Tell Untold Stories

She collects data about important issues and creates visually appealing ways to convey it to others.


Annenberg Alumni Make the Calls on Election Night

Kristen Conrad, Ken Winneg, Talia Jomini Stroud, Melissa Herrmann, and Eran Ben-Porath worked behind-the-scenes at ABC and CBS.

Faculty News

In Cyberwar, Jamieson Argues Russians Helped Secure Trump’s Victory

Jamieson investigates troll posts, polling data, and how the press used hacked content.

Faculty News

The New Yorker Features Jamieson’s Book Cyberwar, on Russia and the Election

The book is available now in ebook and in print on October 3.


Fear of Losing Status, Not Economic Hardship, Drove Voters in 2016 Presidential Election

Socially dominant groups supported the candidate who most emphasized reestablishing status hierarchies of the past.