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A Conversation with Stacey Abrams

The Georgia politician sat down with Ben Jealous to discuss topics from gerrymandering to romance novels in a virtual discussion.


Pawel Popiel Named 2021-2023 Gerbner Fellow

He studies the politics of platform regulation and communications policy.

Graduate Student News

Doctoral Student Florence Madenga Studies Journalism, Censorship, and Internet Shutdowns on the African Continent

What counts as journalism and what doesn’t? Why are certain types of storytelling censored and others aren’t?


When the Message Matters, Use Science to Craft It

The new Message Effects Lab aims to understand and develop communication around what motivates specific behaviors for specific populations, including COVID-19 vaccination.


Annenberg Researchers Use Data Science Skills for Social Justice

Jake Parelman and Matt O'Donnell are working with Amistad Law Project to track COVID-19 cases in Pennsylvania prisons.

Faculty News

Five Questions about the New White House Press Secretary

Barbie Zelizer discusses Jennifer Psaki’s first weeks on the job and what a shift back to a traditional press briefing means for journalism.


A New Librarian Ushers in the Future of the Annenberg Library

As longtime Librarian Sharon Black retires, Katie Rawson (pictured) begins her tenure and continues the library's journey into the future.

Faculty News

Franklin Birthday Celebration Honors Jamieson With 2021 Franklin Founder Award

In her acceptance speech, Jamieson spoke about the resilience of democratic institutions in America.