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Donald Trump’s Election Did Not Increase Political Polarization

America is no doubt polarized, but new research finds it is no more so now than prior to 2016.


Brevity is the Soul of Twitter: 280-Character Limit Makes Twitter More Civil

Professor Yphtach Lelkes analyzed tweets from before and after Twitter implemented the increased character limit.


Center for Advanced Research in Global Communication Releases CARGC Paper 11

Julia Becker (C'18) examines the American and Mexican political climates, immigration rhetoric, and street art as protest.

Faculty News

Mutz Receives Grant to Monitor Political Incivility in Media

She will improve the ability of measuring tools to accurately identify incivility expressed in mainstream political discourse.


Echo Chambers May Not Be as Dangerous as You Think, New Study Finds

Collective intelligence can increase belief accuracy even in politically homogenous groups.


New Democracy & Information Group Studies Political Communication

The newly established working group is led by Professor Yphtach Lelkes.


Paradoxical Thinking: Changing Individuals’ Beliefs by Agreeing with Them to an Extreme Degree

Paradoxical thinking is intended to shock the participants with its absurdity and cause them to reevaluate their beliefs.


Can Social Media Networks Reduce Political Polarization on Climate Change?

The researchers tested how different kinds of social media environments would affect political polarization and group accuracy.


In the Brain, Dislike and Dehumanization Are Not the Same Thing

Processed by separate regions of the brain, dehumanization and dislike may be different psychological processes.


Liberals Do Drink More Lattes, But Maybe Not For the Reasons You Think

A new study found that liberals are more open to globalization, while conservatives are more nationalistic.