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Fear of Losing Status, Not Economic Hardship, Drove Voters in 2016 Presidential Election

Socially dominant groups supported the candidate who most emphasized reestablishing status hierarchies of the past.


APPC Visiting Scholar David Zarefsky Writing Book on Johnson Vietnam Speech

The speech described steps to limit the Vietnam War and announced that Johnson would not seek reelection.

Faculty News

Mutz Awarded 2017 Andrew Carnegie Fellowship

Mutz will study the growing backlash against globalization in Europe and North America.


Andrew Daniller Named 2017-19 George Gerbner Postdoctoral Fellow

Daniller researches the role of media in shaping citizens’ trust of democratic institutions and processes.


Study Finds Troubling Consequences for Anti-Muslim and Anti-Mexican Attitudes and Actions

Those holding anti-immigrant sentiment were more likely to support increased surveillance, restricting immigration, and deportation.

Faculty News

Mutz Awarded David O. Sears Book Award for In-Your-Face Politics

The award is given for the best book published over the past year in the field of political psychology of mass politics.


New Study Shows Reading Harry Potter Lowers Americans’ Opinions of Donald Trump

Even when controlling for party identification, gender, education level, age, and other factors, the effect remained.

Faculty News

Kathleen Hall Jamieson Awarded American Philosophical Society Prize

The 2016 award recognizes her paper “Implications of the Demise of ‘Fact’ in Political Discourse."

Faculty News

Diana Mutz Awarded Guggenheim Fellowship to Study Attitudes Toward Globalization

Mutz's project looks at how the public understands globalization and how it affects the way they form political preferences.