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Duncan Watts Launches Computational Social Science Lab

The new Computational Social Science Lab aims to thrive on mass collaboration and open science.


Women Are Under-Cited and Men Are Over-Cited in Communication

An analysis of citations in 14 Communication journals found that men are over-cited and women are under-cited, especially in papers authored by men.


Policing the Digital Divide: How Racial Bias Can Limit Internet Access for People of Color

New research shows that the policing of nonviolent offenses, like loitering, restricts access to free WiFi, particularly for people of color.


Study Finds Surprising Source of Social Influence

Want to promote your new product or trigger a shift in thinking? Steer clear of the influencers.

Faculty News

Centola and Pickard Honor Former Penn Faculty with New Chair Names

Centola and Pickard have chosen legendary scholars Elihu Katz and C. Edwin Baker.


Toward a Better Understanding of "Fake News"

Professor Duncan Watts published a framework for developing a comprehensive research agenda to study the origins, nature, and consequences of misinformation on democracy.

Faculty News

Political Communication Scholar Yphtach Lelkes Promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure

In this Q&A, Lelkes discusses how his research has evolved during his time at Annenberg.


Twitter Bots May Not Be as Influential as You Think

A new study from Professor Sandra González-Bailón found that verified media accounts are more central in the spread of information on Twitter than bots.


Annenberg Researchers Use Data Science Skills for Social Justice

Jake Parelman and Matt O'Donnell are working with Amistad Law Project to track COVID-19 cases in Pennsylvania prisons.


Studying ‘Hunters and Busybodies,’ Researchers Measure Different Types of Curiosity

Their analysis opens doors for using curiosity as a tool to improve learning and life satisfaction.