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Back at Annenberg: Susan Roberts (M.A.C. ‘99)

An interview with Susan Roberts about her work as Senior Director of Preschool Content & Consumer Products Research at Nickelodeon.


A Journey Into the Archives of Herbert Schiller, Media Scholar and Critic of American Empire

Annenberg Processing Archivist Andrew Williams explores the Herbert Schiller Collection at the Annenberg School for Communication Library Archives.

Faculty News

Professor Andy Tan and Community Partners Receive 2023 Provost/Netter Center Faculty-Community Partnership Award

Tan and community partners Cross-Grade Sports and OurSpace were honored for their collaborative work in the West Philadelphia community.


When Young People Seem to Make Threats on Social Media, Do They Mean It?

A new app from SAFELab helps teachers, police, and journalists interpret social media posts by BIPOC youth and understand which threats may be real.


Suicides Don’t Spike Around the Holiday Season, but Americans Think They Do

In a new report, the Annenberg Public Policy Center examines how media organizations disseminated the suicide-holiday myth in 2022-23 and how that influenced public opinion.


Communication Neuroscience Lab Visiting Undergraduate Students Present Research at Major Academic Conference

For ten weeks, Denise Cortés-Cortés from the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez and Arden Spehar from Vassar College were immersed...


Over a Third of Americans Worry About Getting the Flu, RSV, or COVID-19

Over a third of American adults worry that they or someone in their family will get the seasonal flu, COVID-19...


The Authenticity Industries: Q&A with Michael Serazio (Ph.D. ‘10)

In his new book, Serazio explores America’s fixation on being “real” and the industries dedicated to the careful cultivation of authenticity.


Center for Advanced Research in Global Communication Publishes CARGC Paper 19

The paper, “Media and Networks in the Queer API Archive,” was written by Sudeep Bhargava (C'22), former undergraduate fellow at CARGC.


Exploring Life as a New Doctoral Student Through Film

Doctoral student Nya Mbock and a crew of Annenberg staff members made a short film about life as a first-year Ph.D. student.